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Author Topic: 2.3 vs 2.2  (Read 2779 times)

Offline moosk

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2.3 vs 2.2
« on: November 13, 2008, 01:37:02 am »
Played a little bit of 2.3.  I like the new campaign system.  Some thoughts and suggestions for possible tweaking:

-Relative to 2.2, bases were very easy to build, at least at startup.  Seemed that the "days to build" of various buildings was pretty much the same in that sense.  If there was a strategic element here it was not clear.
-Research was very fast, after a handful of missions many techs were researched that had taken a long time to develop under 2.3

-Alien ships were available for capture in the earliest missions.   I liked how in 2.2 they seemed to appear only after crashed craft scenarios had occured.  Perhaps this could be a technology; one would need to
1) complete crashed craft scenario
2) based on materials recovered, research tech for some sort of stealth device for troop ships so as to be able to land near a complete alien vessel.
alternatively, just move such mission to later in the game.