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Author Topic: TODO battle  (Read 4211 times)

Offline Judge

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TODO battle
« on: May 17, 2008, 09:56:56 pm »
Finally made it to the ToDo battle, and disapointingly killed most of the aliens in the first few turns (i assume i got most of them as the Ai's turn started going by really fast). (First Complaint)
The last alien whose presence i knew of was sniping from the building south of your spawn site. i tried sending some men over there, but the terrain there was raised so that the only way to get there was either through the ship, or walking all the way around the ship. (Second complaint)
So, being the lazy guy i am, i of course sent some people to get into the ship. Problem is, everytime they got up to the top of the ramp to get in, they stopped. Even the next turn, you couldn't get them to move at all. I tried shooting the green thingies next to them (possible tractor beam of some sort? that would have been interesting), but nothing happened. (third inquiry/complaint)
Lastly, I took my last guy that wasn't stuck on a ramp (i did some expermenting there....) and took him ALL THE WAY around that giant ship, and took out the last alien (i think it was the last) Game didn't end, but the AI did nothing after that.... :S
So, in Summary, here are my questions/suggestions
-Are there only like 5-6 aliens on that map? and if so, is it possible to make it more? because I would really enjoy  a big fat climactic battle for that one, and i don't think a giant ship like that, and a mission to infect a bunch of aliens would take only 5-6 aliens to pull off.
-Since it's an infection fight, can't you put some hostile humans on there? I was all excited for the chance to plug some of those idiot humans with particle rifle.
-Can you make it possible to go around the ship in an O, rather then having to go all the way around the ship to reach the point at the end of the U?
-What is up with the entrance ramps into the UFO? Is it really a kind of forcefield/tractor beam, or is it a glitch? And if it's a forcefield/tractor beam, any hints on how to get around it?
-Is there a bug with an alien falling off the map (like in a previous map, i circumvented that one by sniping the sucker before he fell off), or just the game refusing to realize i've killed all the aliens, or are there aliens posted as guards inside the ship, which i can't reach because of the aforementioned problem?
Other then that, i found the game very enjoyable. Keep up the good work!


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Re: TODO battle
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2008, 08:49:35 pm »
I too got two guys stuck side-by-side on a ramp - I took a couple of fatalities elsewhere, so the last alien was quite a tense affair for me although I got him in the end.

I suspect the step in the map that forces you to go through the ship is intentional to elongate the map. A bit cheesy, but hey, sometimes cheese is good for you ;-)


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Re: TODO battle
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2008, 06:03:46 am »
I completed this mission - there were 6 aliens on the map: 1 on the ramp of the building on the ride side of the ship, 2 in the ship who popped out on right side of the ship to shoot at my team, 1 more who popped on the left side of the ship to ambush, and 2 more in the building nearest where you begin, to the front-left of the ship.

This was a very tense mission. I did not cut through the ship, no no no. I covered the ship while I cleared that first building on the right side of the ship. Leaving behind 2 agents to cover that side of the ship, I advanced the other 6 agents around the ship, carefully, slowly, nice and careful. At the back of the ship on the ship's left side, 1 alien tried popping out, but I had all the doors well-covered, and that alien was toast - never got off a shot. Waited to see whether any others would pop out, then left behind 1 stormtrooper agent to cover all the doors while the other 5 advanced: machine gunner, grenadier, assult rifleman, sniper, and medic.

Moved these five in very open formation, with the sniper constantly covering the door of the distant building, up to the HUM-VEE to take cover. Moved the sniper up, as she shot it out long-range with an alien in the building popping out and taking shots before ducking inside for cover. Snuck the grenadier up beside the ramp, crouched, crouch-walked him around, and dumped 3-round bursts of plasma grenades into the doorway, killing one. The other took the hint and fled inside.

I got the assault rifleman and a stormtrooper (SMG-armed) up stacked covering the building door, with the machine-gunner and grenadier (flechette rounds now) covering the door from a more open angle, taking cover by the ramp, with the medic still behind the Hummer for cover, but in proximity in case she was needed. Lobbed a grenade in to frag the door-area, but the last alien popped out to "do its thing", only to be quickly shot down by the team stacking near the door.

Long mission, took me over an hour, but I like to be VERY careful: every move must be meticulously planned. Lost no agents, and all good. That was a huge ship, and I decided to clear the buildings and keep the ship covered before storming the ship. I always do the ship last: I don't want any aliens who were hiding in buildings walking up behind me while I'm stacking the doors and taking out the team. Luckily, I didn't have to storm that awful, huge, and convoluted ship.

Now I'm not getting any more missions. Does the game continue after this? I got the "Thanks for playing UFO:AI" message, but I tried continuing and saw no more missions for a couple of months. I sure hope I can keep going, just to do ground missions - I don't need more research to keep me happy until the next release. Does anyone know?

Offline Mattn

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Re: TODO battle
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2008, 10:07:56 pm »
the amount of aliens in set in the script files - see base/ufos/mission.ufo

Offline DanielOR

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Re: TODO battle
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2008, 11:44:49 pm »
is there an absolute maximum number of baddies on a map?  I recently came across 10, a record so far.