I like the Idea with the special fields of the scientists, but I dont think that it is neccesary to give them stats too (this would just result in a very confusing research screen, where you have to decide which one should work on a certain topic. If you divide them you get your first results very late. If you dont do it it wouldnt be very efficient. You might get the false scientist at the beginning... )
In general I am the opinion, that there should be an endless amount of scientists available for hire (in the categories you mentioned + hiring is connected to a certain price for your scientists (~50.000 Credits)). Depending on the research topic every scientist gets a multiplier. And then you can get your research points for your laser pistol (I also would prefer a player that doesn't know the progress, just a "unknown", "average" and a "good" should be enough)
If you have the money to hire and unhire your scientists you can buy after every topic new ones and dismiss the old ones. If you dont have it you have to work with your old ones. Of course there will be a few hours to wait for the new scientists to arrive (the payment should be done per day summed up for the end of a month)
But this are just some thoughts about it... If you want it to be done, convince BTAxis or Mattn or do it yourself (should be the easiest way^^)
About your other suggestions:
The living room is going to be removed for being completely useless... Giving your newbies very a small amount of stats is quite useless too...
Inbase training room: I dont like the idea of "another" building... Currently I get the impression, that my base is too small, whatever I do (the command post, the power generator, the huge alien prisons, the 2 UFO storing rooms, the huge workshop...) But I wouldnt dismiss the idea completely, maybe it could be merged with a "psionic power" training room (if something like psi powers are going to be implemented)
Offbase training facility: Why not just implementing a button "training" --> The soldier wont be available for several days and gets better stats (to a certain amount)
But the main question is: Do we really need to train the soldiers? In my opinion yes, maybe, but there are several other things have a higher priority. Training lessons would implement a bit more depth to the game, but this is something that really should be done in the end... (or implemented by yourself
