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Author Topic: [UI] Minor - unable to view map levels 5-8 without mouse wheel  (Read 5363 times)

Offline Gnith

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[UI] Minor - unable to view map levels 5-8 without mouse wheel
« on: November 13, 2015, 01:34:38 am »
I am only able to access levels 5 through 8 on a battlemap with the mouse wheel.
I am not ever able to access levels 5 through 8 with the UI buttons on the screen.
Only buttons 1 through 4 work.

I have played several campaigns on all difficulty levels and it is always the same.
Discovered levels 5-8 were accessible with the mouse wheel on my 4th campaign.

Have reproduced the issue on save games, and playthroughs where I never used the save function at all.

I consider it a minor issue once I discovered a work around.
It does not affect overall gameplay once you recognize you must use the mousewheel.

I don't know if this is truly a bug or an intended design, but I found it odd.

that is the only notable issue that I have encountered ... I'm not a coder so I'm normally looking for bugs ..... just trying to enjoy the game ...

thnx ~ Gnith
btw - the game is awesome ....absolutely loving it