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Author Topic: Im working on a mod and I get this msg in console when game is starting/booting:  (Read 12769 times)

Offline NicSO

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I lost hours on this, when I remove saboted slugs for grenade launcher from weapons_human...then it works. Ufopedia always works adn shows model as it should,.

Clicking on grenade launcher in ufopedia is causing also ctd. I really do now know where is my mistake. Im going insane :D

Offline NicSO

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It seems that max number of ammo per weapon is 3. My mod is working ok when I remove one of the existing Grenade launcher ammo....can this be modded?

Offline DarkRain

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You've found another hardcoded limit: 4 ammos per weapon (GL already has 4)

As I said, it is hardcoded, and trying to increase it seems to cause a crash (see bug 5283), we are investigating the issue

Could also happen in case you made a backup of the original file without changing the extension. The game parses all .ufo files it can find.

Also, in case you took the e.g. weapons.ufo and use a copy of this file as /mods/mymod/myweapons.ufo this will also essentially end up in the game parsing the same file twice.
Just for the record: while the above is true — the game will parse the file twice — when the game finds more than one item with the same id, it will discard all definitions after the first one (it will still generate a lot of error messages of course)
« Last Edit: February 18, 2014, 12:32:35 am by DarkRain »

Offline NicSO

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You've found another hardcoded limit: 4 ammos per weapon (GL already has 4)

As I said, it is hardcoded, and trying to increase it seems to cause a crash (see bug 5283), we are investigating the issue

Edit:Just for the record: while the above is true — the game will parse the file twice — when the game finds more than one item with the same id, it will discard all definitions after the first one (it will still generate a lot of error messages of course)

I concluded it is hardcoded after almost 4 hrs :D I thought I made mistake somewhere so I was cheking everything over and over again, then I decided to remove flachette grenades and I was laughing to myself :D

Offline NicSO

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New problem!

Im working on a new ufo based on ufo fighter. I edited *.md2 files from models\geocape and aircraft. I also added new ufo fighter to aircraftmanagement.ufo, research.ufo and aircraft.ufo in msgid.

I placed all files in mod folder, game boots but when I click on campaign I get:

unknown craft_ufo_fightermk2

I think I made mistake in one of the *.md2 files but I wanna know if that is the case as I dont wanna lost hours again on error searching :)

« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 05:56:28 pm by NicSO »

Offline NicSO

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I triple checked, my *md2 files are all ok. I missed something and I dont know what.

Offline NicSO

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I checked all files in 0ufos and added new ufo accordingly based on original ufo fighter but I still get same error?!

Taking a break with my skydiving buddies...maybe Ill get inspiration :D

« Last Edit: February 19, 2014, 07:37:34 pm by NicSO »