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Author Topic: Compile issues  (Read 2830 times)

Offline AntJam

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Compile issues
« on: November 15, 2013, 01:36:12 pm »
Using Vista64 (up to date with no stability problems) I have compiled the latest build closely following the instructions for codeblocks and although I get some warnings it works.However when closing down it hangs with this error
Date: 2013-11-15
Windows version 6.0 (Build 6002) Service Pack 2
Win32 RELEASE, cpu: IA-32, version: 2.6-dev

Failed to get file flags from (C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll) File in wrong format
0x76c7eb0a : C:\Windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll : stricmp
0x4db93f : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/cmd.cpp (813) : in function (_Z17Cmd_RemoveCommandPKc)
0x4e3788 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/files.cpp (902) : in function (FS_RemoveCommands)
0x4ddef8 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/common.cpp (1570) : in function (_Z16Qcommon_Shutdownv)
0x516925 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/ports/windows/win_shared.cpp (302) : in function (_Z8Sys_Quitv)
0x4dc678 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/cmd.cpp (969) : in function (_Z18Cmd_vExecuteStringPKcPc)
0x4dc748 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/cmd.cpp (982) : in function (_Z17Cmd_ExecuteStringPKcz)
0x4dc7e9 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/cmd.cpp (255) : in function (_Z12Cbuf_Executev)
0x47cde4 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/client/cl_main.cpp (1033) : in function (CL_SendCommand)
0x4dffde : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/common.cpp (1361) : in function (tick_timer)
0x4e0b75 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/common/../shared/sharedptr.h (255) : in function (_ZN9SharedPtrI15scheduleEvent_tE6decRefEv)
0x51641d : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe : E:/UFO_git/src/ports/windows/win_main.cpp (103) : in function (WinMain@16)
0x61b596 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe :
0x4010b6 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe :
0x401128 : E:\UFO_git\ufo.exe :
Failed to get file flags from (C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll) File in wrong format
0x7657f271 : C:\Windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll : BaseThreadInitThunk
Failed to get file flags from (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll) File in wrong format
0x7761d819 : C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll : RtlCreateUserProcess
Failed to get file flags from (C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll) File in wrong format
0x7761da2b : C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll : RtlCreateProcessParameters

I tried downloading the latest build and get the same problem. However checking the .dll's mentioned and they all come back as being all good. Not sure if this is to do with the SDL change as 2.5 works fine. I should mention I'm a complete compiling novice.

Offline Duke

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Re: Compile issues
« Reply #1 on: November 16, 2013, 11:14:39 pm »
Not your fault. That's a known issue still under investigation.
Although a crash, it doesn't do any harm :)

Offline AntJam

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Re: Compile issues
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2013, 12:50:08 pm »
Yay! ....hopefully that means I can get testing on the 7 item limit