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Author Topic: Estonian translator reporting for duty.  (Read 5878 times)

Offline Innursk

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Estonian translator reporting for duty.
« on: November 22, 2012, 09:36:52 am »

I have been playing ufo: alien invasion for few weeks now and recently changed to the 2.5 dev. Ver. Of the game. To say it out, then i love the game. In 2.4 i did see stuff that made me not want to play the game, but soon as i switched too 2.5 i found the console and started messing around with it. Soon as i started pushing stuff to the limit i found numerous things and bugs that made the game a bit wierd, but in a good way. Soon as i find some free time ill start posting bugs ja glitches i found. But now to my main reason being here. As the title says i can translate texts to Estonian. It came to me as a suprise that there is a Estonian language support. Only a few games have Estonian language support and this is the first indie game i see Estonian in. When i changed to Estonian the first time and read the texts, i was like really? I had a few good laughs while reading Estonian translations, cause some of them seem right out of the Google Translator and for me as a nativ Estonian it seems giberish or baby talk at best.
 So in conclusion of the bigass text I just wrote is that ill be happy to translate estonian texts if developers are good with that. I have learned Estonian for 12 years ( nativ language, no shit) and English for 10 or so years. I know that lot of Estonian players prefer to play the game in English because the computers operating systems didnt had the Estonian language support form the beginning, but i would do it for the fun of it to translate the huge amounts of texts.

(sry if there are any spelling mistakes, random spaces etc. Its because i wrote the whole text on a ipod :D )

Offline DarkRain

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Re: Estonian translator reporting for duty.
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2012, 06:39:44 pm »
Hi Innursk,

we use gettext for our translations, the current way of translating is detailed here (it isn't very detailed, so if you have doubts feel free to ask)
So the first steep is getting the correct .po file, if you you are compiling from source you already have it, otherwise you can download it from our repositories (see the page I linked above) mind you that the .po files are currently rather outdated as there have been a lot of changes to the game texts, if you have the source you can update it yourself, otherwise maybe you can ask one of us to generate an up to date version for you, so you don't waste time translating outdated texts.