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Author Topic: changed workflow in Radiant.  (Read 2741 times)

Offline Kildor

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changed workflow in Radiant.
« on: January 08, 2011, 01:51:34 pm »
I`ve tried to edit some maps in Radiant, and found that used workflow by me is broken, especially texture`s fitting

For example:
1. it is impossible to change texture shift and scale with mouse scroll.
2. It was possible to easy equalize surfaces, with just simple selecting several surfaces, next select surface with needed texture properties and just change single texture property. all properties of selected surfaces would change to this one. The same was correct about texture name, and flags. Now radiant simple changes each single surface. How can I fast equalize and tune that properties now?
3. There is «Texture operation» block of controls, but what exactly do they do?

Offline H-Hour

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Re: changed workflow in Radiant.
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2011, 03:05:49 pm »
2. It was possible to easy equalize surfaces, with just simple selecting several surfaces, next select surface with needed texture properties and just change single texture property. all properties of selected surfaces would change to this one. The same was correct about texture name, and flags. Now radiant simple changes each single surface.
How can I fast equalize and tune that properties now?

I prefer it if a new function is created rather than going back to the old way. I like that I can select several objects, set them all align to 0,0 on the x,y and that all the other attributes won't equalize. ie - I would prefer it if it stays so that only changed attributes are changed.

In the meantime, Kildor, have you seen the copy shader/paste shader shortcuts? I have it mapped to CTRL-SHFT-C and CTRL-SHFT-P, although it's still reseting every time I load it. But this makes it very quick for me to copy a texture and then apply it to any selected faces.

3. There is «Texture operation» block of controls, but what exactly do they do?

- The "Fit" button right of Fit Texture will automatically stretch the texture on the x,y to match the face. Create a box brush, apply my alien base crate texture, then try it. Saves me loads of time. The numbers to the left allow you to set the scale that it should "fit". For instance, if you want it to show the texture 4 times on the face (like a 2 by 2 grid), set it to 2 on x and y.
- I think flip sets the scale to negative numbers or vice-versa (useful for signs where the text must be read in one direction)
- Not sure about Modify Texture
- Default scale: sets the texture scale that will be used when you first create a brush. I use 0.125 (can also be set in preferences).
- Texture Lock: same as the button on the left