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Author Topic: Flee from battlefield/door opening/aliens killing pilot/soldier becomes a pilot  (Read 4747 times)

Offline Thrashard96

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Please add this feature that if most of your troops dead/stunned, that the last few could still fly away alive (would be more realistic) and add support for doors (open/close). And the last thing, that aliens could kill the pilot (dropship would be taken over by aliens) and that one of the soldiers would be teached how to fly a dropship if the pilot is down.

Please reply if you can.

Offline Kildor

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> Please add this feature that if most of your troops dead/stunned, that the last few could still fly away alive (would be more realistic)
done for 2.4 (like it was in X-Com)
> and add support for doors (open/close).
Done already.
> And the last thing, that aliens could kill the pilot (dropship would be taken over by aliens) and that one of the soldiers would be teached how to fly a dropship if the pilot is down.

Offline Thrashard96

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> And the last thing, that aliens could kill the pilot (dropship would be taken over by aliens) and that one of the soldiers would be teached how to fly a dropship if the pilot is down.

I meant that the pilot's room would be available and when aliens kill the pilot, the soldier could control the dropship back to base.

Offline geever

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I meant that the pilot's room would be available and when aliens kill the pilot, the soldier could control the dropship back to base.

I think BTAxis would say: It doesn't add anything to the gameplay.


Offline Thrashard96

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The pilot acts like a civ, but he spawns in the dropship.

Offline Sarin

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Just a question, how do you suppose to teach a soldier with no previous piloting training how to fly VTOL dropship in five minutes? It is not a car, yanno?

Offline Thrashard96

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I know, but instead of that, i have an idea that an auto-laser with only one shot guards the inside of the ship. One alien might get killed, but the pilot would still be vulnerable...

Offline DarkRain

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Or maybe you intend spawning a rescue mission if the pilot get killed? . . . Hmmm . . . But waht if it happens to the only squad you have and you can't muster other one for the mission? ???

Offline val

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Anyone considering other extraction routes?

Come on, there must be cars left over from the panic.  Some of them might even have keys.

Offline Thrashard96

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good idea. They would be used as weapons and the last hope to return home

Offline val

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Ya.  Maybe throw in an increased chance of being destroyed when extracting with a car.  I mean, there's no way a car can dodge an RPG or particle beam.