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Author Topic: SVN-2791 Bugs  (Read 4014 times)


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SVN-2791 Bugs
« on: August 17, 2006, 08:42:07 pm »

i found the follwing bugs in SVN 2791:
I started the game and played the base attack mission, but i could not win since no team member had a weapon and none could be found.
Next time i left the base attack mission out and after it was over, i recruited one soldier (only one available), equiped him and started the dropship towards berlin with him on board. This led to a game crash with the following text message : (CL_GenerateNamesCmd: Could not get the employee character with idx : 1).

The idea of happiness dependent number of volunteers is very nice.
My only concern is that one soldier as described above is not sufficient to survive a mission and after a month without won missions the happiness may be too less to get new volunteers.

Nevertheless good work, keep it up! :)

Offline Bandobras

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SVN-2791 Bugs
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2006, 09:16:56 pm »
You are fast! I introduced the bug in 2791 and fixed it in 2792. :D

About happiness. Yes, this is cruel, but you really have to piss off all nations consistently over a month to get only one or zero soldiers. Instead of playing that badly on and on, you can as well officially lose and start a new game on a lower diffuculty level. So I think, but I'm open to discussion.

If there are any plot twists that will make you loose all missions over a given month (e.g. political struggles resulting in every Phalanx Dropship in service shot down with all its soldiers) the recruitement logic will have to change, indeed...


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SVN-2791 Bugs
« Reply #2 on: August 17, 2006, 11:37:41 pm »

i tested your fix and it works properly.

A new problem i encountered with SVN 2792 was that after all soldiers got killed during the base defense mission, the mission ended with defeat but the
base could no longer be used. The message 'Your base is under attack' was displayed in the base menu and only the aircraft and transfer menu could be selected. The base never returned to normal operation (played for about 4 months game time).


Offline Bandobras

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SVN-2791 Bugs
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2006, 12:45:47 am »
Fixed in 2793. :)

And the bug is already on sf (base defence is not completely coded, yet), but thanks for your report, anyway.


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SVN-2791 Bugs
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2006, 12:22:00 am »
where do i get these svn ?

Offline Bandobras

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SVN-2791 Bugs
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2006, 04:19:59 am »


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SVN-2791 Bugs
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2006, 12:30:59 am »
:( i m too dumb to use this..