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Author Topic: Base Construction question  (Read 10062 times)


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Re: Base Construction question
« Reply #15 on: January 16, 2008, 02:26:41 pm »
Just a question with buildings. There are more buildings than I am able to build. I mean, there's no place for all sort of buildings on a base, when I want an usable amount of them (living quarters at least two... storage two... etc). I guess there will be even more avaiable buildings later in the game. Will this thing change? I'm not bothered of this, I'm just asking.

You can specialize your bases. You do not need 2-3 labs or workshops in every base. You can transfer stuff. And I do not think you will need a containment for aliens in every base either. In the current version you should have enough money to simply build a new base if you are running out of capacities. For example you can locate a base with dropship in southern europe to cover europe and africa and then build a research base in africa with a little defence and production capacity and a containment facility and without a hangar.


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Re: Base Construction question
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2008, 12:37:12 am »
Yes, I know, thanks, I was just asking. I work better with universal bases :)


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Re: Base Construction question
« Reply #17 on: January 25, 2008, 05:25:59 am »
Sorry if I am dense, but how do you build another base? I can't see the command anywhere and clicking or double clicking on the map doesn't do a thing. I am using the Mac version, BTW.
Thanks for all help

pip boy

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Re: Base Construction question
« Reply #18 on: January 25, 2008, 10:31:14 am »
Bottom left hand corner, you will see a "Box" with 3 tabs on it, one of them being a create base tag.


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Re: Base Construction question
« Reply #19 on: January 25, 2008, 11:53:25 am »
The tags have no labels on them: must be the same reason that prevents any text showing up in the intro and in the messages and ufopedia researche I guess then. Thank you.