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Author Topic: Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer  (Read 5944 times)


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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« on: June 05, 2007, 06:08:22 pm »
I have a set of bugs that lead up to a game-crashing save game.  If these have already been posted, forgive me, but they seem fairly obscure.

Bug 1) I tried to transfer items from my first base to my second, but I hit "Return" button instead of "Transfer".  When I went back into my Transfer screen, the items I had loaded onto the ship were gone.  Realizing my mistake, I tried clicking Transfer to see if the items would make it over.  They didn't.

Bug 2) Before the ship returned to base, I started a new transfer with the same ship.  The ship changed direction mid flight and delivered the new items (useful, but a bug).

Bug 3) I saved the game on the transport ship's flight back.  When I try to load this save now, the game crashes.

If you want to get this save game, let me know how to get it to you.


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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2007, 06:32:30 pm »
I just did a check for another problem and am surprised I didn't see it.

When I reserve Time Units for a snap shot, the Reserve doesn't always deduct the right amount.  The usual snap-shot seems to be 8 TU, and that works, but for things like the sniper rifle, (if memory serves) the TU required are 12, and only 7 get reserved -- which defeats the purpose.

Using RC6, BTW.

Offline Mattn

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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2007, 07:16:23 pm »
Quote from: "zenwolf"
Using RC6, BTW.

You should really try 2.1.1 ;-)


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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2007, 02:00:28 am »
Quote from: "Mattn"
Quote from: "zenwolf"
Using RC6, BTW.

You should really try 2.1.1 ;-)

I lied.  I just checked and saw 2.1.1 x86 May 5 2007 Win32 Debug

Offline Zenerka

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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #4 on: June 06, 2007, 12:39:03 pm »
Quote from: "zenwolf"
When I reserve Time Units for a snap shot, the Reserve doesn't always deduct the right amount.  The usual snap-shot seems to be 8 TU, and that works, but for things like the sniper rifle, (if memory serves) the TU required are 12, and only 7 get reserved -- which defeats the purpose.

That is the way current RF system works, and that is expected. You "reserve" 7TU for single RF shoot or 14TU for multiple RF shoot, and additionaly your soldier uses the amount of TU when shooting (per shoot type).


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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #5 on: June 06, 2007, 03:24:23 pm »
Quote from: "Zenerka"
That is the way current RF system works, and that is expected. You "reserve" 7TU for single RF shoot or 14TU for multiple RF shoot, and additionaly your soldier uses the amount of TU when shooting (per shoot type).

I refer to the TUs required for ONE snapshot, which is different for each weapon.  When the TUs required for one snapshot is not eight, the amount reserved drops to seven TUs, regardless of the actual requirement.

Just last night, I tried reserving for single snapshot even with an 8 TU snapshot, and it only reserved 7 TUs.  Therefore, if I spend all TUs not reserved for the snapshot, I find my unit 1 TU short of getting off any shot at all, whether I take the 'cap' off to shoot during my turn, or leave him to reaction-shoot for the alien's turn.

Offline Voller

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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #6 on: June 06, 2007, 03:41:37 pm »
I think you're talking about different things here:

The buttons is not there to reserve TUs for your current round, but to enable your soldier to take a reaction shot during the opponent's round. This is a very different system from the one used in x-com.

Offline Zenerka

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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #7 on: June 06, 2007, 03:51:53 pm »
Yep, exactly. The RF button is not to "reserve" desired amount of TU, but to "enable" Reaction Fire shoot during opponents time.


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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #8 on: June 09, 2007, 03:45:18 am »
Oh.  So then why does the button deduct from available TUs if the amount reserved isn't going to correspond with the TUs normally needed for snapshot?

Offline blondandy

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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #9 on: June 09, 2007, 09:16:07 am »
your round N: You spend seven TUs in your round. You then get all TUs back at the end of your round/beginning of enemies round.

enemy round N: That seven TU has bought you the right to spend TU on a shot in your ememies round.

your round N+1: In fact the TU for shooting are spent from your next rounds budget.

You can think of it as your soldiers having to creep around slowly being observant. The converse is they could move much further without using RF, but are are likely to get caught with their pants down in the enemies round.


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Bugs found during base-to-base item transfer
« Reply #10 on: June 09, 2007, 11:31:08 pm »
Ah, that makes so much more sense now!  Thanks.