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Messages - pe9298

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Discussion / Re: 24 hour "delivery" delay for soldiers?
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:45:21 pm »
Thanks. I'm glad to see this is under consideration already.

It is a large forum.

Discussion / 24 hour "delivery" delay for soldiers?
« on: October 29, 2013, 07:41:09 pm »
Many aspects of the game are hard and unrealistic (I mean Return Fire) but one seems unfairly easy.

When you see a Harvester heading straight at your base, you can quickly hire a bunch of rookies and buy some weapons too. Maybe buying weapons for immediate use is OK, but it seems unfair (to the aliens, but when were they fair to us you may ask) to get rookies and have then fighting for you 1 hour later.

How about a 24 hour "delivery" delay for soldiers? Maybe for all employees?

Crashed in battle scenario. Apparently looping with 'please wait' in red on the screen. I have seen this before, but after 5 minutes the game usually restarts. This time I waited 10+ minutes then gave up. It was in an attack on my base. I just had 1 rookie left and I had just seen a brief message saying something like 'x is feeling very shaky'. So would I if I was the last one left alive!

UFOAI Version : 2.5 IA-32, stable version, dated around 25 Sept

    operating system XP
    AMD X3 435 cpu, and graphics card Radeon HD 6570

Is the bug reproducible? Doubtful

ufoconsole.log is attached

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Re: Battle screen crash, IA-32 version
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:40:21 am »
It is the Oct 3rd nightly build. I thought that would be in the log file but I do not see it.



Linux / Re: Official Debian release for UFO:AI
« on: October 25, 2013, 09:23:21 pm »
Any progress on the Official Debian release for UFO:AI ?

I hate having to boot up Windows just to play.  :(

I am having problems with this news item:

 Important savegame update
We have just made a change to the directory where save games are stored. If you want to continue to use your 2.5-dev savegames with the latest version from git or the nightly installers, you must copy them manually to the new location. Otherwise the game will be unable to find them. The path depends on your operating system and is written in our FAQ.
Files that end in .savx need to be placed in a new subdirectory called campaign. Files that end in .mpt need to be placed in a new subfolder called multiplayer (for multiplayer teams) or skirmish (for skirmish teams). If these new directories do not exist, just create them.
For example, on Windows you will find the files in \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\UFOAI\2.5-dev\. You must create the folder campaign at \Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\UFOAI\2.5-dev\campaign\ and move the save files there.

I already have a directory structure:
does this mean I now need:

Bugs in stable version (2.5) / Battle screen crash, IA-32 version
« on: October 25, 2013, 03:52:42 pm »
Crashed in battle scenario. 3rd replay, first 2 did not crash. Black screen, followed by pop-up asking if I wanted to enter debug mode. When I clicked yes, it crashed. Next was message saying did I want to inform MS of crash.

UFOAI Version : 2.5 IA-32

    operating system XP
    AMD X3 435 cpu, and graphics card Radeon HD 6570

Is the bug reproducible? No.

ufoconsole.log is attached

Discussion / Re: Debian Games Team is looking for new members
« on: September 21, 2013, 07:54:38 am »

Good post, lots of links to check out.

Meanwhile, keep up the great work.

Discussion / Re: Notes from veteren XCOM player after his first UFOAI game
« on: September 16, 2013, 10:05:56 am »
I expect you all are being aggressive.

I think my rapid research is due to the simple game being easy. Nations cannot fall below "content" status. Large amounts of money roll in each month.

I shall have my own challenge on the full game.

Discussion / Re: Notes from veteren XCOM player after his first UFOAI game
« on: September 14, 2013, 05:48:06 pm »
Sure, all 58 working (when there were projects to research), 30 in one base and 28 in another. Lots of research labs.

But I see I have to try the full game next.

The question is, do I wait for 2.5?

Discussion / Re: Notes from veteren XCOM player after his first UFOAI game
« on: September 13, 2013, 11:14:10 pm »
You are likely to be right.

But if a simple game is offered it should be explained and should have some sort of ending, if only something like

"Well done, you have proved yourself to be an able beginner, now try the full game!"

Discussion / Re: Changes for 2.5
« on: September 13, 2013, 10:47:08 pm »
Real noob question:

Where do I, as a Ubuntu user, find a recent (hopefully quite stable) 2.5 version?

Discussion / Re: Notes from veteren XCOM player after his first UFOAI game
« on: September 13, 2013, 10:31:20 pm »
I just checked with my game

"Have you built ufo storage facilities and started researching ufos?" - No UFO storage built because it is not available!

I should note I have captured 2 types of live alien (Taman and the tough one with the funny name) and researched them both. Should I try to capture more different aliens ?

Discussion / Re: Notes from veteren XCOM player after his first UFOAI game
« on: September 13, 2013, 09:50:11 pm »
I had 58 scientists for quite a while. Basically, whenever I had scientists available, I recruited them. Only when the available projects disappeared did I stop recruiting.

"Have you built ufo storage facilities and started researching ufos?".  No, since I have never seen a UFO in flight. Does this building release new options?

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