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Messages - Prinegon

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Translating / Re: German writing style
« on: April 08, 2010, 05:17:05 am »
Although the last entry in this topic is somewhat aged, I think in this discussion is an interesting point.

There is a point in asking, how scientific these reports may or may not be. Since this reports are only mails, I don't mind them to be informal. One has to see, that a scientific correct mail may get more and more complex to write, the more alien research is done. I guess it will be no fun writing on a article about a black matter - antimatter powered battery that would satisfy scientific expectations. (Not to mention a scientific report would be some dozens sites long, even in short form)

To solve this problem one could add a sentence like this to the mails: "As usual you can find the scientific report on this research attached to this mail." (Of course you can see a symbol for attachments on the screen, but you are not able to open this attachment. If you want to add a easter egg  to this game, one could get an error message while trying to open the attachment maybe saying the test period for the reader is over and one has to register to open this file type :-P .

Auch wenn der letzte Eintrag hier schon etwas her ist, wurde ein interessanter Punkt angesprochen, den ich hier nochmal herausstellen möchte.

Man kann sich durchaus fragen, wie wissenschaftlich diese Nachrichten sein sollten. Da es sich hier nur um Mailverkehr handelt, stört es mich nicht, daß sie informell sind. Man sollte auch bedenken, daß es immer komplizierter wird, wissenschaftliche Artikel zu schreiben, je mehr außerirdische Forschung betrieben wird. Ich denke, es wird wohl kaum möglich sein, einen Artikel beispielsweise über eine Antimaterie- Schwarze Materie - Energieeinheit zu schreiben, welche wissenschaftlichen Ansprüchen genügt. (Abgesehen davon, daß ein wissenschaftlicher Report mehrere duzend Seiten lang wäre, selbst wenn er kurz gehalten wäre).

Um hier einen Kompromiss zu schaffen, könnte man den Mails einen Kommentar anhängen, wie: "Wie immer finden sie den Wissenschaftsreport im Anhang dieser Mail". (Natürlich kann man dann ein Attachment-Symbol für die Mal sehen, ist aber nicht in der Lage, dieses Attachment zu öffnen. Falls man ein Easter Egg ins Spiel einbauen möchte, könnte man z.B. eine Fehlermeldung bekommen, sollte man versuchen, ein Attachment zu öffnen, wie: "Die Testperiode für diesen Viewer ist abgelaufen. Bitte registrieren Sie ihre Version, um die Datei zu öffnen :-P .

Design / Storyline - Research/XVI Census: No sense at all
« on: March 21, 2010, 11:57:29 pm »
Hi everyone. Perhaps it is an uncommon way to start in a forum with a big complain (well, that part is not uncommon at all :) ) and a hint how to improve the topic, I'm complaining about (this is the uncommon part), but since I recently accidently found this project and tried out the release version (2.2.1), I really got into this game and want to add my two cent to some things. So lets get started with the one text, that totally blow my mind: XVI Census.

Quote from: Research/XVI Census
What I propose to do is to create a long-term rolling census that checks all registered individuals on the entire planet for XVI infection by way of a small blood test....under the supervision of a small police or military guard. If a test turns out positive, this guard will perform the arrest and turn the infected prisoners over to the UN for containment...99.9% of the planet's population is registered with one national authority or another...They are handling all the equipment and manpower locally, with strenuous checks as to the reliability of personnel and the validity of the results.

Lets see, what these quotes say: Military forces in all countries all over the world are seizing the whole medical infrastructure, human population is forced to frequent this places once a week and do some tests under the gun of military force, being aware if this test turns out badly (and the testants do not have any way to doublecheck the testresults) this could end in getting arrested and locked up. I really believe, resistance against this military bulliing would instantaniously lead to civil war in all countries.

But even if not, the manpower needed to do this tests, even if theese tests would be as simple as checking your bloodsugar (and since this is a virus infection it is to be guessed getting the results would be somewhat more complicated), would be enormous. There has to be infection cells in every hospital, guards, medical personal doing nothing more than testing on person after another, logistics getting the test indicators in every region, a propper way to demolish used test indicators (like syringes or indicator bands). By the way these hospitals have to stay operational.

I know this fiction takes place 70 years from now, but in comparison to todays situation, even if humanity was threatened by a deadly pandemie the best to hope would be to seed a fraction of mankind mainly in the industrial nations. Since the X-Vi-H virus is not airborne, but has to be injected manually the threadpotential would be far less, so the chance mankind reacting like it would, if this was a pandemic, is not existent.

It is not believable by me, testing 99,9% of world population could be done in reasonable time at all, but this text indicates theese tests to take place once a week. This wouldn't be possible even in industrial nations. And this would be even more impossible in regions like the african deserts, the australian outback or south american jungles.

I really doubt 99,9% of world population to be registered. If you look on the actual situation you don't even have to register your place of living in USA today. There are quite some industrial nations with no or no sufficient resident registrations. Even if you look to China, that has a kind of register (the hukou system), it is not sufficient because it only contains the place of your birth but your momentary living place.

It is believable registration will be required in all major states in about 70 years. It is not believable, this register would run with a 99,9% efficency.

So this whole Ufopedia entry for XVI-Census is not satisfiing at all and should be rewritten. I want to make a proposal for a better entry within the next days (perhaps I will leave the part of the Col Falkland untouched, i really like the idea of a colonell demanding to make the impossible. But the answer the UN will give will certainly change.

My proposal will look like this:

  • The UN is not willing or not able to do the requested tests.
  • There will be a check on all high security targets on weekly basis. This contains main politicans, military in high ranks, medical sector (everyone allowed to do injections), medical fabric labors (so injections can't be switched with needles containing the virus) and high ranking police officers.
  • There will be a monthly check on medium security targets. This is the rest of the military (down to the normal soldier) everyone with regular access to weapons (weapon dealer, cops, private security center,...), nurses, food industry-, logistic- infrastructur workers (no one wants the    sewage  treatment  plant to be sabotaged :-) ).
  • There will be a random sampling throughout all social  stratum. Statistics will be updated weekly. Since the incubation time of XVI-H is between 8 to 48 hours, while the infected is not aware of the alien control, this sampling can be used to predict the infection rate in the countries.
  • Those individuals within the incubation time normally were not aware to be given an injection at all. However some do remember a blackout. So theese injections don't only contain the virus, but also potent drugs.

I think I will try to upload a nice research report to XVI Census (alt.) within some days. Since I am native german speaking, I can also do the german "translation", of course. But someone should read over my english entry, when its done, since I really doubt, the verbalism will be quite right and sound native english.

Greetings Prinegon.     

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