Some of this I agree with, some I think you just need to learn how the game works. I've played ufoai a lot more and eventually, the interface gets more natural.
better highlight active soldier in battlescape - i often moved the wrong one
Show the movement path that my soldier will take before i click
show grid in battlescape, i often moved to the wrong space
These three seem related. This happens to me once in a while too, but usually it's because my computer is a little slow and the fps gets a bit low, and also because I've zoomed into a new char and think I have him selected, but the guy I really have selected is not visible. That's my error though. Your suggestion about seeing the tracks of soldiers would help with this, and there is a way to see it in game, but I only see it when I'm waiting my turn. We both may need a little info on this.
add soldier information (stats etc) in ufopaedia. i would like to read up there, how movement points are calculated for example.
This is in 2.5.
option to quickly launch an aircraft for a patrol mission (suggestion: right click on base)
Agree. Launching a craft is a bit cumbersome right now, unless I'm missing something.
remove the repair aircraft cheat. it's alot faster to unmount everything, sell and rebuy the aircraft (suggest to make price depending on aircraft health at least, and remove sold aircrafts completely). this is an interface issue for me, because it is like a fast repair option, that requires many clicks. alternatively speed up ship repair speed by ALOT or add a single click cheat button.
You don't have to cheat, you know. They repair fast enough. You can also just let the UFO go and get it later.
show aircraft health when i can select one for a Mission, and also in the message about won air combats.
show me how the air fight went. i just see "lost a battle" but i have no clue why or how i lost it. this makes fitting aircrafts very frustrating because i have no clue how the air combat goes.
Hit the slowest speed button just before you engage, 5 seconds I think. Then you can watch it in painful detail. I usually watch on the 5 minutes setting and I can tell what's going on. If you watch it any faster than that, yeah, you'll just see the end result without knowing what happened.
take me to the proper screen when i click a message (for example when i click a research finished message, take me to the lab, when i click a lost combat message, take me to the battle site etc)
it would also be good to add a shipping time when buying anything, like xcom
Sounds like good suggestions.
medikits can heal soldiers quite easily, but when i leave them wounded in combat they take forever to heal (i think also already being worked on in 2.5)
2.5 changes med kits and healing dramatically. I like the new system better, though some will find it makes battle a too tough.