Windows / NSIS reworked, radiant_runtime updated
« on: May 16, 2009, 02:54:52 pm »
I've reworked ufoai\src\ports\windows\installer.nsi
Shorten things up a little (recursive)
and replaced the undocumented radiant_runtime.zip stuff
The problem here is
the "dev" need to extract the zip file inside of ufoai\radiant
but its not documented
so the "dev" run always in an NSIS build error
I've added a part where the radiant_runtime is a sfx 7z file (btw dll's are updated)
that is extracted on the users client machine during installation
http://www.mediafire.com/file/3nzdolmkmqy/radiant_runtime.exe http://ul.to/22g67b
I think this will simplify the build process
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Shorten things up a little (recursive)
and replaced the undocumented radiant_runtime.zip stuff
The problem here is
the "dev" need to extract the zip file inside of ufoai\radiant
but its not documented
so the "dev" run always in an NSIS build error
I've added a part where the radiant_runtime is a sfx 7z file (btw dll's are updated)
that is extracted on the users client machine during installation
http://www.mediafire.com/file/3nzdolmkmqy/radiant_runtime.exe http://ul.to/22g67b
I think this will simplify the build process
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