2.4-dev build
Date: Wed Jan 5 07:00:18 2011 +0100
I tried to enjoy dev-2.4 (medium difficulty) and i'm disappointed.
The game is nothing more than ground combat
Shoot down an ufo->ground combat
Rule 1: Leave harvesters alone, they are to strong.
and thats in a loop for (ingame)month.
Research is so slow
22 days and 8 scientists for a taman autopsy

or have i assigned nuclear physicist for that job
Productions is also to slow.
I'm barely able to feed a coilgun with ammunition ( to much ground combat )
Researching a laser is out of a question!
Mid of mai and i got coilgun a taman autopsy and ufo theory
and a endless to do list
Aliens wearing already a body armor and a plasma gun

Without cheating you'll replay a map n times or loose your soldiers one by one
There is no strategy!
You can't focus on research, because there are no scientist available.
If you loose a soldier your are not able to replace him. There is no replacement!
Labs and workspace is so costly and space intensive you can't afford it.
Selling ufos is more likely a charity bazaar, meaning you get nearly nothing out of it.
My vote for 2.4 goes to strategy++- Pilots need stats too, ?ejecting?
- A wounded soldier can be removed from the roster ( Doctors order )
- A ground battle can only be 3 times repeated
- A wounded soldier should receive a TU drop
- Personal must cost something and should be available (if you do a good job, you can hire more people for less money)
- A Base should have morale too (based on the fraction where it was build), faster science and construction (good local support)
- The reword of selling an ufo should correspond with its "health" and bring money

- Scientists should be able to research machines to build weapons, ammunition, .... faster
- Production|Disassembling and sell should bring in money, or you sell the blueprints of researched machines (price drop for the item).
- Selling and buying should be based on the free market economy. If its rare its expensive ... (This way its not possible to produce just lasers and get rich)
- The cost for a facility (radar) is based on the time needed to build it ( less time means more expensive ) and i need workers to do the job
- Labs and Production facilities should be upgraded too, to disassemble ufos faster or do faster weapon research (must be researched and produced)
- Scientist with stats. Engineers good4tech, Doctors good4autopsy, ....
- Workers with stats. Nurse, cook, bricklayer, millhand, ....
- Nurses needed for the hospital facility
Ok, we dont want a economy simulation
but more than now
Btw: The Taman death sound is horrible, it sounds like a pig