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Messages - Noordung

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Discussion / Re: Balancing smoke grenades
« on: December 10, 2014, 09:58:46 am »
Well that's what I'm getting at, I mean there are a lot of other thing to improve before nerfing smoke too much,
yep smoke is not the main problem. for me the main problem is that aliens dont find way to me and in some maps i use too much time to find the last living alien.

I mean I'd love nothing more than to give shevaars and ortnoks IR sight as their autopsy says, but of course with the way the visibility system works (or does not, if you will) that would make smoke utterly useless for as long as one of those aliens is on the map (save for maybe for the largest maps where you *might* be out of their sight range if you are at opposite corners of the map)
So yes things might be a bit (or a lot) weird now, but just give it some time (or rather a lot of time, sadly development has been waaaayyy too slow these months :( — you are welcome to lend us a hand or both ;) )
i think IR vision really should be limited in range. like it it with our soliders. maybe a little grater range. but still even if they get IR vision shooting in smoke should somehow penalise their shot. lets say tey couldnt see clearly...

Discussion / Re: Balancing smoke grenades
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:45:58 pm »
maybe staying in smoke would mean accuarcy by aliens -50% RF cost by aliens + 50% dmg by aliens - 50%. but you could see outside and aliens could see you. maybe this could be fair. becouse its annoying that i have to step out every time i want to shoot alien ;D
RF cost would be essencially since sometimes in first round its impossible to shoot aliens becouse of their RF in start.

anyway also unability to deploy troops as i want in base defense feels like cheating from alines. i know they are coming to attack me and i cant event prepare for it? so there may be feel like cheating many times. sometimes you are overpowered sometimes aliens are, but its hard to balance everyting. and if you feel smoke is overpowered you can simply not use it...

Discussion / Re: Balancing smoke grenades
« on: December 07, 2014, 10:12:35 pm »
you have to be in smoke not behind it.

Discussion / Re: Armor Formula, Base Detection
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:54:39 pm »
pistols are good in start when aliens dont have armours. later you will have to research laser/plasma/beam pistols. still useful for some fast RF and for medics or granadeers. also one shot from pistol wont trigger alien RF.

Design / Re: Gun concept art
« on: December 07, 2014, 02:50:14 pm »
looks good. just the first one looks too heavy for one handed weapon. maybe make counter weight in back of weapon.

Discussion / Re: New Engine for successor?
« on: November 25, 2014, 01:27:19 pm »
you can start. im sure more people will join.

Discussion / Re: Why is this so goddamn hard?
« on: November 22, 2014, 05:23:07 pm »
dont do auto mission. you wont get any skills for that and you soliders will be left behind in later game. also dont do light weight. do it full. if strenght is 50 go for 24,9 kilos. the more weight you put on yout soliders the more will their strenght increase and late game weapons/armours are much heavier. just dont give them too much or you will get TU pentalty. you dont want that.

User modifications / Re: Weapon Mod for 2.5 dev
« on: November 13, 2014, 05:01:52 pm »
added the last tt model as the m5 machingun (uses the machine gun ammo) to the mod. By the way weapons in ufo cant use dual ammo types at the same time so you'd have to reload the weapon to swap between grenades and bullets losing any unspent rounds in the process so the 2 model 44 would only be cosmetic (or very wasteful of ammo)
if there would be special one granade ammo lighter and chepaer than 6 ammo packs for granade launcer. it would be more realistic since those granade launcers attached to raifles are one ammo granade launcers. it would be really nice if we would have that kind of weapon in game. but not as m4 but something else.
also would it be possible to use knife/bayonet on rifle? that plasma knife you can research later to be used on some sort of coil assault rifle of human origin? i know someone said we have enough weapons but coil assault rifle with coul granada launcehr could be very interesting weapon. someting like more accurate than assault rifle we have now, stronger but with lower fire rate.

i belive batlescape is the same played on very easy or very hard. the only diference is that on hard aliens get better weapons faster. but demage, hp... and everything else is the same.
for start you could play 2.4 if its still on. its much easier. once you get basics you coudl start 2.5 or 2.6. they are much fun.

Feature Requests / refuse solider
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:09:22 pm »
i know how to refuse solider in rooster. but i only noticed it little time ago when i was thinking that we should have that option. so would it be possible to be more visible. maybe like seperate buttons for hire/refuse?

Tactics / Re: Research Request: Panicking Tactics
« on: October 24, 2014, 05:07:05 pm »
i think that aliens that panick always throw away their weapon. dont know if they can pick it up again.

Bugs in development version (2.6-dev) / Re: Pakring house
« on: September 30, 2014, 05:00:25 pm »
in 2.6 there are no doors and i couldnt enter. yes its safe shooting through floors but alines on roof wont move. and that is not fun to play.

Feature Requests / Re: Some suggestions
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:18:51 am »
about weapons. actually i think its great that with different types of weapons you have to use different tactics. laser weapons are all for long range cobat, while plasma are mixed. than you have special weapons, like compat knife, kerr blade. granades... its much about what style od game you like and what weapons to use to make most of your style. and thats one really good part of game.
anyway plasma blaster is very stong weapon. so dont think we need anything stronger for close combat. the weapons as they are are really good.

Bugs in development version (2.6-dev) / Re: Pakring house
« on: September 30, 2014, 12:06:04 am »

We already know the offending commit, unfortunately Duke wasn´t seen in a while.
no i mean >urban periphery< map. parking house wont always be in that map. but its that parking house that have security cameras.

Discussion / Re: Choosing the best soldier
« on: September 29, 2014, 11:50:19 pm »
cant really say who is better at the moment. but b will be better after few missions. since weapons are trained faster than accuracy.

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