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Messages - Duke

Pages: 1 ... 64 65 [66] 67 68 ... 70
Discussion / Re: Regarding the locked thread from 'shockwave'
« on: November 19, 2008, 01:38:55 am »
People don't read manuals, FAQs or anything of the sort.
I do ;)

1. As a first step, I'd suggest you create the following post in this discussion forum and make it sticky.
(if posted by an admin, it has more 'weight'. I'm just a rookie)
What you should NOT post here
There are certain topics that have been discussed here over and over again, so the admins and devs are really tired of responding to such posts. These topics include:
- destructible terrain
- switching to a different game engine
- save game in battlescape mode
So *before* posting anything on those topics, please make sure you have read *every* discussion about them (use the forum search).


2. Did I miss a 'critical' topic ?

3. Give me some time to come up with a draft of the article. I will post it here.

4. If we want the article to reside in the wiki, a good place imho would be the TODO article, right below 'TODO/General'. At least that's where I would look for it. Open to better suggestions.

Discussion / Regarding the locked thread from 'shockwave'
« on: November 18, 2008, 06:13:27 pm »
Uhmm...I fail to see any rudeness in your response...

I think it could save you (and others) quite some work if we had an article in the wiki or FAQ about things that are NOT going to happen and especially *why not* for both coders and non-coders. So every time such a topic is brought up again you could simply post an RTFM-link ;)

I would volunteer to write such an article if that's appreciated.

Discussion / Re: Civilians... those little buggers.
« on: November 18, 2008, 01:27:10 am »
2. Holding X and clicking on him, if you were on the adjecent tile, made you switch places with him. 8)
Haven't looked at the code, but that sounds like a quick solution to that annoying problem to me. At least much easier than developing AI strategies for civilians to 'not stand in the way'.
Oh, and maybe make it cost twice the normal TU.

Coding / Re: partially switching to C++ ?
« on: November 17, 2008, 11:08:13 pm »
I still hoping for an answer to my initial question. To make it easier for those who know, let's make it multiple choice:

1) It has never been discussed.

It has been discussed, but
2) not in these forums, so there is no link
3) nobody has the time to dig up the link
4) it is an 'off-limits'-topic (like engine change or save in battle)

5) something else...

Just asking for one-digit answer...;)

Feature Requests / Re: Alien fratricide?
« on: November 15, 2008, 08:37:54 pm »
I played rev 20172 yesterday and had one dead alien that I didn't kill :(

Worse than that, I didn't let me finish the mission. Did anyone elese have this problem ?

Discussion / Re: spam posts appearing again... Aaargh!
« on: November 13, 2008, 11:53:00 pm »
...separates the boys from the men ;)

Admittably it's a tradeoff. I had up to three new spam-accounts per day back then. No clue about current general bot activity and no clue how much there is on these forums here either.

Discussion / Re: spam posts appearing again... Aaargh!
« on: November 13, 2008, 10:47:20 pm »
Some spambots have become rather good in deciphering captchas :(

Does SMF allow the use of a simple password instead of a captcha ?
If so, I can provide a simple solution that protects 100%:
Replace the captcha with something like "please enter the pass you find in our FAQ-forum"

Not a single spambot has made it into my own forums since then... :)

Offtopic / Re: Obama Wins Election
« on: November 09, 2008, 12:00:52 am »
90%? Where did you get that number?
I already stepped back from that guess a few posts later. It was a *guess*. Probably because I never personally met a single person who did like G.W.Bush. (I haven't been to the US while he was president).

And YES, it's probably that "McCain=Republican=Bush"-thing why Europe would vote for Obama.

Offtopic / Re: Obama Wins Election
« on: November 08, 2008, 10:16:54 pm »
Thanks for posting the link to the solar stuff.
I have read the article. It's about scientists that created a few molecules of a material, that has
...a theoretical potential of almost 100% efficiency. Commercial products are still years away,...

Now let's look what you made of the above:
...and solar (for which there is now a 100% efficient solar panel, while consumer types are only 14-20%).
Quite a difference...and you don't need to know a thing about the technology to see the difference.

As I do NOT want to imply that you did that at will to 'betray' your readers, I conclude that the conversion happened silently in the back of your brain.
That is a behaviour of the human brain that most people are more or less vulnerable to. We tend to see only what we want to see...

Offtopic / Re: Obama Wins Election
« on: November 08, 2008, 12:20:44 am »
I suppose they got some 85% at -272 Celsius and said "in theory it *would* be 100% at 0 Kelvin".
Such a statement quickly evolves to "there are cells of 100% efficiency" in the hands of conspiracy theory creators...

I suppose you agree that those 100% solar panels that have to be cooled to 0 Kelvin will NOT solve our energy problems.

So now that we have proven that at least *one* of those 283 arguments (a rough guess) you brought up in this thread was *wrong*, what will you do ?
Will you
a) just continue rambling with the remaining 282 arguments OR
b) take a much closer look at the arguments you use in the future (maybe ask someone who *really* understands)

Offtopic / Re: Obama Wins Election
« on: November 07, 2008, 11:09:36 pm »
so...first, you mistook "profit" and "turnover". It's hellota difference.
No, in this particular case he is right. It is actually profit, not turnover.
IIRC Exxon made some 40 Billion $ profit in 2007. Stock value was something like 360 Billion last week.

btw Thx for your other explanations. I had heard of the 25-30% cells used in satelites and some 42% in a labratory, but not of those 100% at 0 Kelvin.

Offtopic / Re: Obama Wins Election
« on: November 07, 2008, 12:59:35 am »
BTAxis, thx for pointing that out. I may know quite a lot about the other parts of the world, but I still don't know enough.
So I guess the '>90%' was an exaggeration. Bare with me.

Even in Europe, there are areas that can be *very* conservative (eg. Ireland, Poland,...).

Africa would surely vote for Obama, arabian countries probably too. The Aussies I met were all a little less conservative than the US-americans. I know quite a lot about asian countries, but then again, I don't really have a clue how they would vote.

However, 'the world voting for the US-president' is a very hypothetical szenario. Considering that far too many people in this world can't even vote for the president of their own country....

Offtopic / Re: Obama Wins Election
« on: November 06, 2008, 11:08:25 pm »
I guess outside the U.S., more than 90% would have voted for Obama. He's smart. I'm all for him. There's a lot of hope and expectations put on him. Quite a burden. Time will tell how much he can actually *change*.

On a sidenote, I was really impressed by greatness McCain showed in his little speech when he had to admit he lost. That man has style !

Coding / reproducable battlescape situations ?
« on: November 04, 2008, 01:31:05 am »
Let's assume I wanted to test/debug a certain situation near the end a of a mission (like 'alien in panic' or 'stun alien').

I guess you don't want me to spend an hour or two to play that mission and *hopefully* recreate that situation.

I assume that this can be done by using the 'commands'. It that correct ?

Coding / Re: CodeBlocks Crashing, Massive Number of Build Warnings Recently
« on: November 03, 2008, 11:12:19 pm »
Update: Link errors are gone, probably because I let the update to rev 20030 replace ufo.cbp.

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