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Topics - Duke

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Announcements / New SF project SW / New git URLs / repo location
« on: August 27, 2012, 11:33:59 pm »
We had to switch to the new Source Forge project software ('classic' projects are no longer supported).
Unfortunately non-admins can no longer access the bugtracker and such. That's a know issue at SF and they're working on it.

To all of you that compile their own:
The above change also changed the URL of our git repository. In order to attach your existing local repo to the new location, issue the following commands:
Code: [Select]
git config remote.origin.url git://
git config remote.origin.pushurl ssh://<SF-username>
That's it.

Announcements / New bug forums
« on: April 25, 2012, 11:53:08 pm »
As you probably have noticed, the bug forums have been adjusted to the release of 2.4 .

Feel encouraged to install 2.4 and mark all your bug reports that still are present in 2.4 in the forums I moved to the archive section.

Coding / Linkage errors
« on: November 06, 2010, 12:36:09 am »
I'm getting the same errors as our buildbot here:
.objs\client\src\client\renderer\r_state.o:r_state.c:(.text+0xda7): undefined reference to `glActiveTexture'
.objs\client\src\client\renderer\r_state.o:r_state.c:(.text+0xdb2): undefined reference to `glClientActiveTexture'

Newbie Coding / The GIT problem::stashing
« on: October 08, 2010, 01:09:50 am »
- stashing
I don't mean the inconvenience of a few clicks around an upbase. I need a modified .cproject, .project and ufo.rc just to compile. I have no nice idea how to separate these from the actual changes in the source.

This is about the need to have changes that are to be committed and changes the never will be committed side by side, so they can't be stashed away together.

I can think of several situations where the above applies, but let's focus on the project files.
The slightest change (such as an additional path, compiler switches or just preferences) results in 'unstaged changes'.

This problem is not specific to GIT, but SVN easily solved it as long as the changes were mergeble. I guess many projects that use GIT have the same prob. Does anyone know how *they* solve it ?

Newbie Coding / The GIT problem::Initial clone
« on: October 07, 2010, 01:16:05 am »
- clone
The devs will sooner or later get their clone, but for a *new* contributor the 1.6 GB plus the learning of GIT is too much of a hurdle for most of the potential contributors imho.
The initial 'SVN checkout' wasn't really small either, but it was *restartable*.

Some ideas:
1. It has already been mentioned on these forums that GIT also offers a restartable version of 'clone'. If that is really equivalent to the std 'clone', it should be mentioned in a proiminent position in the docs.

2. We could split the repo 'horizontally'
By 'horizontally' I mean to strip off the history beyond version XX and keep it in a seggregated place for specialists.
I'll certainly never need any revision prior to 2.2.1 and will probably never go back beyond 2.3.
Does anyone know (or knows how to figure it out) how much the size of the repo would be reduced ?

3. split the repo 'vertically'
An old plan of mine is to make uforadiant a separate project. And I can think of more separate things.
Repo size reduction ?

Newbie Coding / The GIT problem
« on: October 06, 2010, 11:37:22 pm »
I have to agree - I think the move from SVN to Git was a mistake, ...
Emotionally, I agree with much of what Destructavator wrote in the above post. But let's face the facts. It doesn't help us to discuss how the move could have been done better, later or at all.
We *have* moved to GIT.

It's a classical deadlock:
- Mattn *needs* GIT to merge branches
- many other teammembers and contributers strongly dislike GIT for the inconvience or even ran into serious problems and are nearly *disabled* (and not just Windoze users).
We're stuck. We can't simply move in either direction. We must solve at least the serious problems to get going again.

Such a situation automatically becomes the *#1 priority of the project*. I'd like to see everybody to do whatever he can to help resolving the problems. Don't stand aside.

So let's first collect the *serious* problems. I'm not talking about inconvenience, just *showstoppers*. I only see a few:
- merging branches
afaik Mattn is the only one who does this work, but everyone else relies on this work. We need Mattn for more important things ;)

- stashing
I don't mean the inconvenience of a few clicks around an upbase. I need a modified .cproject, .project and ufo.rc just to compile. I have no nice idea how to separate these from the actual changes in the source.

- clone
The devs will sooner or later get their clone, but for a *new* contributor the 1.6 GB plus the learning of GIT is too much of a hurdle for most of the potential contributors imho.

For the solutions I'll start separate topics for each problem. I can also imagine a dedicated board for 'GIT problems & solutions'. And YES, there will also be a topic 'GIT convenience problems' ;)

But before starting to talk about solutions: does anyone see more problems that classify as 'showstoppers' ?

Coding / More help needed: GIT
« on: September 27, 2010, 10:04:23 pm »
1. I have 3 files that are always changed when I want to upbase:
#       modified:   .cproject
#       modified:   .project
#       modified:   src/ports/windows/win_local.h
As a result, I always have to do a stash save, upbase, stash pop. Quite annoying. Is there a better way to do that ?

2. The last stash pop produced a merge conflict in .cproject :( Resolving the conflict by editing doesn't seem to be an option for this file. And it seems I can't even rename the .cproject.REMOTE.cproject file ?!?
So what is the standard method to resolve such a conflict ?

Coding / Need some help with eclipse (wascana)
« on: September 27, 2010, 08:58:17 pm »
1. How do I tell eclipse whether it should build a release or debug version ?

2. When trying to debug, I switch to the debug perspective, set a breakpoint in CM_LoadMap() and then Run->Debug. It starts to fire up ufo.exe but then stops saying

No source available for "main() at 0x546859"

What am I doing wrong ?

3. How do I start the profiler ??

Coding / [solved] r30741/r30746: skirmish doesn't start / CTD
« on: June 29, 2010, 11:35:17 pm »
Is it just me ?

Discussion / Just a thought about signatures
« on: May 31, 2010, 10:56:18 pm »
Would it be asked too much if at least those members who report problems of any kind would add their OS and HW-specs to their signature (like I did) ?

Imho that could speed up the process quite a bit, because often my first question is: which OS are you on ?
And even if you told us, some ten bug reports later at least I (don't know about the other devs) will probably have forgotten which graphics card you have.

Coding / ufo_tests doesn't link
« on: May 17, 2010, 11:09:36 pm »
C:/UFO/src/common/common.c:178: undefined reference to `Con_Print'

plus 2 more references related to

UFO fails to start up.
Anyone else having this problem ?

See screeny.
Anyone else experiencing that?

Mapping / How to select a func_breakable window pane in radiant ?
« on: April 08, 2010, 10:57:21 pm »
Stupid question (see title).
My 'shift LMB' goes right through.
Example: the entrance doors to the small hospital(?) next to the parking lot on

Coding / gdb ???
« on: January 16, 2010, 01:16:15 pm »
I just spent 2 hours DLing (at 10-20 kBit in a WI-FI bar where the beer is twice as expensive) the current from ninex, only to find that it also does NOT contain gdb.exe !! *grumbles*
Or m I blind ?

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