« on: September 10, 2008, 03:04:06 pm »
I just finish UFO:AI last week. I play it few years ago, and i am globally impressed by the evolution of the game. But, i dont see (or i missed that) an improvement of the GUIs (base management...), it seems to me, nothing have change.
Currently, I work on the web, so a think a lot about GUIs, how to improve it... If someone interesting by, i think i can work on this aspect of the projet, and i hope it can improve some elements. I do not think i have time yet to code something, but i can create prototype, or maquettes (last week, i already take a little time for that).
So, is there any discussion about GUIs (or part of GUI), or persons interesting by thinking about this question ? Have you see some lack on part of the game ? A GUI to improve (for example the geoscape have maybe some little problems, i can explain) ?
I am new here, so i realy dont know how this projet work, and if you need help ?
Thanks a lot for your comments.