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Messages - bayo

Pages: 1 ... 47 48 [49]
Feature Requests / Re: Request: GUI Blending
« on: September 26, 2008, 03:48:42 pm »
My godness, its look incrediblly nice.

Is there a plan to use it into the game?

FAQ / Re: Capturing aliens: Bug, or am I doing something wrong?
« on: September 26, 2008, 01:55:15 pm »
I really dont know, but i think i already have a living alien without the completion of his race autopsy.

Feature Requests / Re: Feedback and bugs on the 2.2.1 version
« on: September 25, 2008, 07:01:35 pm »
About the recruitmnent, i think its better to use the same screen. Its not a question of real content of the game, but a good roleplay. That why scientists/worker with a name is not really the problem, plus it is a good base to improve the game with more information about the personnel for real influances into the game (as we can see in another X-COM clone, i dont remember the name, sorry).

The problem is it's a little harder to recrut/fire a lot of scientists/worker... checking, checking, checking, checking, checking, checking, checking, checking, checking... moving screen, moving screen, moving screen, moving screen, moving screen, moving screen... checking, checking, checking, checking... And maybe its easy to improve this thing.

Coding / Re: GUIs
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:53:44 am »
Mattn> i never use any library like that else GLUI, but maybe its not helpfull for your projet. I search C lib and i only find ; but you also need a skinable GUI?, and i dont think it is. To improve your own "src/client/menu" maybe the more important thing is to provid a generic scrollbar.

ghosta> Its a good idea to use the aircraft like that to assign soldiers, i can create a preview to see. Starting positions outside the craft create sometime strange situation, specially when you already show an alien near your soldiers at the first round. Maybe authors do it to have a faster gameplay? I also never know why alien dont shoot down the aircraft at landing :)

Kildor> i compile and use the, but yet, i dont take the time to look at it very well. But i see a lot of improvment.

Design / Re: Terror from the Deep
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:09:41 am »
Not luck... underwater create a nice anxiety atmosphere we dont have in the first X-COM :)

Design / Terror from the Deep
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:24:43 am »

Yesterday i surf into the website of an id Software artist... and i see

Maybe you already have this question a lot of time, but is there any plan to merge oneday some elements of Terror from the Deep into UFO:AI ?

Thanks a lot.

Mapping / Re: tex_common/stepon not found
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:02:38 am »
Ok, its not an important texture. No need to report, maybe everybody already know it :) no?

Coding / Re: GUIs
« on: September 24, 2008, 09:40:09 am »
I move it in a new page
I link the page nowhere, if it need to rename it? I am very interesting
by any little review, every comment can help to understand how think the UFO:AI user,
what he need, how to improve thing...

Is there any "tutorial" or documentation about the src/client/menu (nodes...)? I
begin to understand a little the software architecture, but a good documentation help a lot.
I dont find any high level explaination in the Doxygen (a global view of how this thing work).

I will take a look at the mapeditor, but yet, i am not very interesting by GUI out of the game.

Coding / Re: GUIs
« on: September 23, 2008, 10:29:16 am »
Its an HTML document converted into PNG. Little images are just thumbnail, but original one are 1024/xxx (4/3). Ok, i will move it into the wiki today (or in few days), if iv got the time.

I look at the code yesterday, and iv got a little question. Everything is in C (src/client/cl_). I am not sure, but if i test to change something, maybe i am more interesting by C++ to create complex GUI. There are maybe no technical problems with using both C and C++, but is your project allow C++?

Mapping / tex_common/stepon not found
« on: September 23, 2008, 10:05:05 am »

i just download and compile the last UFO:AI (2.3...) yesterday. Everything work very well.

I also compile the maps (my god, it take a lot of time), for some map, iv got a little error, is any body have this file? I just look a the Sourceforge SVN, it dont exists.

entering Z:\UFO-AI-Dev/base\maps\
Could not find texture 'tex_common/stepon'

Thanks a lot.

Coding / Re: GUIs
« on: September 22, 2008, 02:47:09 pm »
Well, i post some comment into the wiki without any reaction. Maybe you dont work a lot with this wiki, or i say unused thing. MediaWiki is a very nice tool for collaborative work, anyway i can't talk alone.

To not spend my time for nothing (because i dont know if my work is usefull) i upload all i do in this PNG. (Technical problem to upload something bigger than 1 MB into the forum, or something not an image into the wiki (PDF or ZIP can help, maybe)).

If someone is interested by that, i can move it as a real text into the wiki (but its some hours of upload, a lot of images :), and continue to work on.

Coding / Re: GUIs
« on: September 10, 2008, 06:03:52 pm »
Thanks a lot ghosta, maybe i can talk with BTAxis on the wiki.

Destructavator: generally, for simple GUIs without a lot of controls, it's something easy (geoscape). Else, it needs sometime to have more than one version of the controls (position and size), to optimise the space. But sure, it can be a constraint for the developpement, because more and more users have widescreen.

Coding / GUIs
« on: September 10, 2008, 03:04:06 pm »

I just finish UFO:AI last week. I play it few years ago, and i am globally impressed by the evolution of the game. But, i dont see (or i missed that) an improvement of the GUIs (base management...), it seems to me, nothing have change.

Currently, I work on the web, so a think a lot about GUIs, how to improve it... If someone interesting by, i think i can work on this aspect of the projet, and i hope it can improve some elements. I do not think i have time yet to code something, but i can create prototype, or maquettes (last week, i already take a little time for that).

So, is there any discussion about GUIs (or part of GUI), or persons interesting by thinking about this question ? Have you see some lack on part of the game ? A GUI to improve (for example the geoscape have maybe some little problems, i can explain) ?

I am new here, so i realy dont know how this projet work, and if you need help ?

Thanks a lot for your comments.

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