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Messages - Triaxx2

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Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: June 16, 2012, 12:47:45 am »
Yeah. It's more like a chainsaw than a blade.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: June 15, 2012, 05:57:54 am »
Plasma blade makes perfect realistic sense. Based from a plasma cutter, using a magnetic field arranged to attract the hot plasma down the length of the weapon, with the magnets protected by a thin ceramic layer to prevent melting. (Heat demagnetizes, so it'd have to be an electro-magnet anyway.)

Not a fast sword fighting weapon, but capable of cutting through a door.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: June 14, 2012, 04:13:59 am »
It's alright. I've seen those kind of requests as well. I always try to keep balance in mind.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:01:55 am »
While I appreciate the sentiment, we are fighting aliens. But this isn't wanting to level the place. This is wanting to be able to land fire on a known target. I'm not suggesting super heavy ones. I'm thinking of this, instead of this.

A specialized variety of grenade launcher, and not really more powerful than the rocket launcher. I don't think air-strikes fit the game that well, unless it requires a specialized bomber and uses it as a type of auto-mission. All I'm aiming for is versatility in weaponry.

In fact if we were going for minimum damage, we'd not be using explosive grenades at all, just smoke and flash bangs. And definitely no rocket or grenade launchers, and certainly not flame throwers. Nor Electro-magnetic rifles, which shoot through buildings.

I love realism as much as the next guy, but I'd much rather the game be fun first, and realistic second.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: June 09, 2012, 11:45:28 am »
That's an even worse change.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: June 07, 2012, 04:28:40 pm »
That's kind of sad. I liked having the three-round burst available for engaging small groups. It means there's no way to deal with large groups other than wasting time by firing multiple individuals, or trying to throw hand grenades.

Having AirB/Imp as one mode, and Timed as another works quite well.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: May 16, 2012, 02:37:31 pm »
I'll be totally honest, I looked, but the Wiki is pretty hard to find anything on.

I'm glad to see it's there though.

Tactics / Re: My battle strategy
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:44:35 am »
I tried the two up approach, but it didn't work too well.  Now I use:

Two assault troopers (Assault Rifles, SMG's, 3 Frag Grenades, 1 Flashbang)

One CQC (Riot Shotgun, Micro MG, 1 FG, 1 FB)

One Scout (Riot Shotgun, Mini Shotgun, 2 FB, Medkit.)

One Rocketeer (Rocket Launcher, Pistol, lots of rockets.)

One Demo Expert (Grenade Launcher, Flamethrower, FG's.)

Two Snipers. (Sniper Rifle, Pistol, FB's.)

The Assaults move first and clear positions for the Snipers, Scout is fast and starts with a visual sweep for aliens and civilians. Since he's usually the first one in, the shotgun gives him firepower at short range.

Rocketeer is for shooting through windows, and dealing with heavily armored issues. Demo Expert starts with grenade launcher and only switches when necessary. Deals with rooftops and long, low angle shots.

Snipers are snipers. Long range death dealers.

CQC is special. His job is to go into a building known to hold aliens, use a flashbang to keep himself from getting reaction shotted, and then finish off the job.

Tactics / Re: beach resort map tactics
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:20:49 am »
I don't use it for more than the grenadier usually. But it's less problematic than not responding to a terror mission on a beach.

Feature Requests / Re: Mortars
« on: May 16, 2012, 06:19:12 am »
A lot of games like this really lack for indirect fire weapons. Mostly your options are grenade launchers, and hand thrown grenades.

I had a situation the other day on one of the Mediterranean maps, where I had a Civilian duck through the only passable hole in the wall, and the last alien on the map pop up behind him. Unfortunately, it was sufficiently early that I didn't even have my first bolter, so I had no way to penetrate the wall. And the grenade launcher doesn't have the high angle it needs to drop behind an obstacle. I finally managed to finish it off with a grenade toss up and over the wall, after getting shot because that was the only place I could throw safely to have it land behind the alien and kill it and not the civilian.

Balance is an issue, but it always is. Consider the Rocket Launcher. It's very useful, and capable of instant killing targets. However, it has to be reloaded after each shot, and it's got a huge explosion radius so it's not a weapon for shooting close to friendlies. The Grenade Launcher is similar, but the arc of the shot makes it useful for entirely different tasks.

I've never been a big fan of destructible environments. It's cool and all, but it ends up making extra work for the designers, without adding a huge amount. Besides, that's not what mortars do. Mortars provide immediate ordinance to individual units. 6 soldiers are dangerous, 6 soldiers and a mortar are VERY dangerous.

I'm not sure what role they have in mind for UGV's. It's an interesting idea, but it was a good one in X-Com and they seemed to blow up rather a lot. That said, a mortar UGV is not at all far fetched.

Tactics / Re: Soldier's view of battlescape?
« on: May 15, 2012, 07:21:50 pm »
Even having an option to activate fields of view showing the area the soldiers can see would be nice.

Tactics / Re: beach resort map tactics
« on: May 15, 2012, 06:55:50 pm »
Grenade launchers and careful movement to put my shooters in range to airburst in their faces. Civilians also make for great cover if nothing else is available.

Discussion / Re: Is sniper still useless? [2.5]
« on: May 15, 2012, 06:53:21 pm »
I feel it a good time to link to an actual 20mm sniper rifle:

Chosen for no reason other than because it's got a good picture.

Still, it seems a bit odd that you'd not be more accurate firing from a position with three points of contact with the ground than just two. Unless you're actually squatting as the animation shows.

Feature Requests / Mortars
« on: May 15, 2012, 06:40:03 pm »
I've noticed that the enemy likes to hide behind walls, and there is occasionally no cover to close in enough to throw a grenade, usually without exposing yourself to enemy fire.

Mortars as heavy weapons would neatly solve the problem, while being able to potentially punch through floors. They'd be very expensive to use, and possibly immobile within the battle space, so they don't step on the toes of grenade launchers.

Having multiple round types would make it a useful tactical weapon. Large area smoke rounds, incendiary, and naturally armor piercing. Possibly even a camera round to be dropped into an area you can't see. It doesn't have to last for more than a round.

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