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Topics - Dr. Doom

Pages: [1]
Discussion / I need *.dlls file to ufoai?
« on: September 07, 2011, 11:01:07 pm »
"copy the dynamic libraries (*.dll) from contrib\dlls\" - I have no folder with that name, but I found other *.dlls files under codeblocks/plugins/.
is those *.dlls file I gonna use for codeblocks?
do I use them all?

Discussion / msgid in pot or something.
« on: September 01, 2011, 06:41:20 pm »
This msgid "Alienbase" how do I use it, do I use it like this: msgid "Alienbase" or msgid "Alien_base" or can I use it like this: msgid "Alien base" or are all good to use ??
msgid"" must I use _  between two word or can it be open ?

Discussion / irc chat?
« on: August 30, 2011, 04:31:54 pm »
I try to log into irc freenode chat I found it in contact but can't get in.
am using chatzilla.

Discussion / Norwegian language...
« on: August 30, 2011, 02:26:58 pm »
Where can I find Norwegian language?

This I need to find "no.utf8" (I think), that is the only clue I have to find Norwegian language.
Do you have Norwegian person or you just used Google translating?

Am Norwegian and live in Norway, so if you don't have some one better I like to translate to better Norwegian, if that's okay with you?

Discussion / am using windows RAR...
« on: August 30, 2011, 11:39:21 am »
I change 0ufo.pk3 to 0ufo.rar by just rename it those 3 last char - *.rar, and I had no problems doing that.
but to put it back to 0ufo.pk3 that was more difficult to do.
I tried to rename it back but some how I can't get to those 3 last char - *.rar to change back to *.pk3

is there a special way to do it?

I wonder when you making an archive do I use something called "add to the archive" ?
and there you can change the name of the package, there I just change those 3 last char - from *.rar to *.pk3
but here's the problem when rar did packaged it was done very fast then normal.
so did I do it right or is the file not working??

EDIT; where do I put 0ufo.pk3 in installed ufoai231 ?
I put it under folder called base where all other *.pk3 is before.
but for some reason it's not working.
When I change a file must I recompile that file or do I recompile at all ??

Newbie Coding / ufoai coding...
« on: August 29, 2011, 06:34:10 pm »
is this right forum to ask about it??
Code: [Select]
nation europe
name "_The Greater European Union"
color "0 128 255 1"
pos "-7 49"
funding  125000
happiness 0.5
soldiers 3
scientists 3

this one is missing
Code: [Select]
pos "-100 33"
I just wondering if this nation do have pos or not ??

whay am asking, I see other nation do have pos.

Discussion / What is the best way to begin with ufoai ??
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:03:54 pm »
Now am got the all files, what is the best way to begin??

I have also downloaded codeblocks, can I used to write the code ??

EDIT: how do I open *.ufo files ??
I tried with codeblocks but that program can't open those files, so what do I use ??

I using w7 64 bits.

I found exstreme editor ??

I found out that I can use notepad++ ver. 5.8.6

Discussion / not finding *.pk3
« on: August 29, 2011, 03:55:22 am »
am looking for *.pk3 but can't find it.

I did dowloaded "Source version 2.3.1" file.

any idea where I can get it??

Pages: [1]