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Messages - EuchreJack

Pages: 1 2 [3]
Tactics / Your Tactics
« on: August 08, 2007, 10:32:28 pm »
I try to edit my loadouts so my snipers can switch to pistols as primary weapons, and still carry their rifles.

This is important when entering buildings, where a pistol is better for the tight spaces.  After all, in the starting scenario, there are aliens in the closest buildings.

Tactics / Use of flamethrower
« on: August 01, 2007, 03:53:30 am »
I don't have much experience with the higher difficulty levels, but wouldn't weapons proficiencies play a factor whether or not to use the flamethrower.  Currently, the flamethrower is the only heavy weapon at the beginning of the game.  Thus, if you have a soldier who's only skilled at heavy weapons, then the flamethrower would be useful until other heavy weapons are developed.

Feature Requests / Starting without base and men
« on: July 27, 2007, 10:56:54 am »
Actually, there is a work-around.

Since you get a free aircraft the first time you purchase a hanger provided it isn't the instantly-build hanger you can build when you don't start with base facilities, you can just buy whatever you want during this instant period except the hangers, let an hour pass, and buy a large and small hanger.  

However, you won't be able to use the hangers for 6 days, and the aircraft won't be delivered until the hangers are built.
I feel sorry for the folks at Revelstoke. :cry:

Still, an expert commander should be able to recover from whatever chaos the aliens deliver during those 6 days (provided the difficulty level isn't set too high).

I think this bug is related to the bug in which no aircraft can be purchased during the initial base menu.

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