Discussion / Won Game
« on: June 25, 2012, 06:24:46 pm »
I hereby announce that on January 15th 2085 my team from my South America Base managed to successfully invade an alien base near Recife and hence won the game for me on normal difficulty. At that time I had 6 Bases, all nations were exuberant and I had nothing more to research except the Herakles heavy transporter. 
After that I reloaded the game from a save shortly before the transport hit the base, withdrew it, and let time pass without any further UFO interception performed. Then, in march I got the research proposal for Alien Strategy, and after that XIV, the human enemy, the new dropship (forgot the name) and UFOs in orbit before my financial ressources were exhausted, and I had to quit in September.
I have two questions now.
1) Will the winning condition change in later releases (as I guess it will) - because it would be quite unsatisfactory if you miss the last stages of the game because you're performing too well against the alien threat?
2) When I clicked the XIV map button, I noticed a greenish spot with a ring around it in one of the seven seas, but when I hovered over it with my aircrafts nothing in particular showed. Shouldn't something pop up there?
And one suggestion for further releases: Please show a hint when hovering over the XIV map button that states whether you're going to deactivate the map or activate it upon clicking. Later the green spot was gone and I couldn't determine whether the map is active or not anymore.
Oh, and another thing: Since it's a no-go to intercept harvesters and I could easily shoot down any fighter with two stilettos carrying normal weaponry (didn't even need a particle canon), I see no point in building the alien tech based fighters. Did build one Stingray though, and it took me aaages to amass enough alien materials to build it. Even with three bases containing 30 workers for UFO disassembly.

After that I reloaded the game from a save shortly before the transport hit the base, withdrew it, and let time pass without any further UFO interception performed. Then, in march I got the research proposal for Alien Strategy, and after that XIV, the human enemy, the new dropship (forgot the name) and UFOs in orbit before my financial ressources were exhausted, and I had to quit in September.
I have two questions now.
1) Will the winning condition change in later releases (as I guess it will) - because it would be quite unsatisfactory if you miss the last stages of the game because you're performing too well against the alien threat?
2) When I clicked the XIV map button, I noticed a greenish spot with a ring around it in one of the seven seas, but when I hovered over it with my aircrafts nothing in particular showed. Shouldn't something pop up there?
And one suggestion for further releases: Please show a hint when hovering over the XIV map button that states whether you're going to deactivate the map or activate it upon clicking. Later the green spot was gone and I couldn't determine whether the map is active or not anymore.
Oh, and another thing: Since it's a no-go to intercept harvesters and I could easily shoot down any fighter with two stilettos carrying normal weaponry (didn't even need a particle canon), I see no point in building the alien tech based fighters. Did build one Stingray though, and it took me aaages to amass enough alien materials to build it. Even with three bases containing 30 workers for UFO disassembly.