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Messages - Sandro

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 16
MT again? This is not the first case. Maybe we should report this to RS, since re-licensing is an obvious GPL violation. Hopefully this time MT will end up behind the bars.

RGB in 0..1 range

Artwork / Re: Alien bestiary
« on: March 21, 2015, 04:39:17 pm »
How about a disgusting worm-like parasite that burrows into people and lays eggs in them, and after a few turns infected people die and lots of new worms burst out of them.

Exponential explosion. Players would not like it. Original X-Com handles it better: host are not a problem as long as not shot at.

Discussion / Re: New Engine for successor?
« on: December 05, 2014, 05:23:03 pm »
That is the point. Ideas are cheap, the work what it's matters.

Newbie Coding / Re: Artificial Intelligence
« on: November 25, 2014, 03:30:25 pm »
However, the "find cover" seems very rare and that would be because there's no saving of TU for it : AI select its target & its move, then, a cover if TU's left permit it (if I'm right).
But, AI will more likely try to use every TU available because the score function depend on the damage inflicted.

IIRC, that is not exactly true -- if AI is NOT in the "brave" mode, it will try to hide at the end of turn, but on most maps it is quite hard to find a safe spot, since they are outdoors. Also, window between "brave" and "panic" modes is quite narrow IIRC. Maybe DarkRain could give a better explanation.

It seems those line are for Aliens to make ambush : They don't want to risk reaction fire so they find a spot out of ennemy sight and gives it value, it lacks a check to see if the alien has reaction fire turned on.

Aliens always have reaction fire turned on. And yes, there are some attempts to implement ambuses, though not very effective on most maps.

I'm wondering, is there a way to print data into the console while the game is playing ?

Com_Printf(...), syntax is like classic printf(...)

Discussion / Re: New Engine for successor?
« on: November 24, 2014, 05:15:17 pm »
It was already discussed to death. Conclusion: if you want it, do it youself. Period.

Coding / Re: lua design thoughts
« on: November 23, 2014, 05:14:26 pm »
Just keep the list of deleted nodes? It could not be so big if you code it seperately, in a map for example. If memory serves, LUA provides the hashmap class?

Discussion / Re: Saving during the battle
« on: November 20, 2014, 06:56:23 pm »
IIRC Android got a service for selectively hibernating selected apps? (I'm not a user)

Discussion / Re: Saving during the battle
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:38:11 pm »
Your hardware does not have a "hibernate" function?

Artwork / Re: My SWAT's body model, other uniforms and skins v2.4 and v2.5
« on: November 11, 2014, 11:11:34 pm »
Heads are separate models with their separately assigned skins -- maybe that is the root of the problem. Maybe we need some change in the code to have camouflaged heads.

The only "little problem" I have is that the shadows of the original clothes disappear when I change skins attire, but it isn't very disturbing (sorry, I don't know how to solve this).

What graphics editor you are using? If it supports layers, just put camo pattern in the separate layer and set it to "modulate" or "screen" mode, whichever works better for you. Or even "colorize"/"color replace" if it exisits., for example, is free and supports all needed modes.

Artwork / Camouflage patterns
« on: October 26, 2014, 06:11:04 pm »
As all of you know, new and pretty soldier models lack camouflage suits. Since I'm not a texture painter, I cannot help with it much, but at least I can generate some camouflage texture patterns to use. Hopefully our artists will like those :)

Technical details:
Size: 256x256 pixels
Type: fractal pixel camouflage
Varieties: arctic, forest, desert, urban

Tactics / Re: 2.5 Early game builds+what effect the amount of TU's?
« on: August 21, 2014, 12:59:00 pm »
Also I'm now got to mid game, and realized. My early despite taking 10 intact ufos and dissembling most of them. Few of them is worked on right know. Is simply just didn't any resources to start up a secondary base/team. So I'm pretty much stuck. I have two bases. Started to pump out equipment what I need. But got into trouble with low money. I have laser weapons. So secondary could be viable. With more bases. Also in desperate need of more radar cover. But there is just simply no chance... -.-This is a pretty lame stage of the game. Maybe I drop it here and now again.

You will have to, since you've made a classic strategical error: spreading your forces too thin. You should have focused on the most important things, like estabishing one full-featured base in the location when it covers as much area of funding countries as possible (Balkans are the best choice IMHO), running some combat-related research (UFO technology can wait 2-3 months), and only after that you should be covering the rest of the globe with your bases.
Single exception: installing a science base with a single interceptor and 2 SAM launchers on the other side of globe can be helpful, but don't hurry to it; you will spend the first month of game using almost all available finances for the first base and it's outside installations (UFO Yard, extra radar and SAM site).

Cause it's idiotistic how you get no money/missions early game, and expected to suddenly be able to transition to 2-3 missions per week after 1 mission/2 weeks.

Methinks it is actually makes a lull for the player when he is given some time to build his infrastructure in the way he wants.

Cause you can't shoot down shit with your interceptors. Fighters simply decimates even fully equipped human interceptors.

Attack in packs, try to lure UFOs in your SAM range.

Exploiting base defence system is a bad idea.

Why? Everything is fair in times of war. Especially if it is the war against us all.

Not enough bases not enough space for anything...

The whole point of the game is repelling the alien invasion with some quite limited resources. Resource management and careful planning is what it is about, both in the geoscape and the battlescape.
Changing this will turn UFO:AI into a completely different game, and this is not in the plans af far as I know.

Artwork / Re: Questions about models
« on: August 21, 2014, 01:46:24 am »
I seen it they can support MD3 too. Maybe I got it wrong but wouldn't it be better?

Currently, MD3 support is broken in the UFO:AI. So, no.

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