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Messages - Stalins Organ

Pages: 1 [2]
Discussion / No more recruits
« on: May 16, 2007, 02:36:57 am »
Except how do you use a GL in UFOAI from eth map edge? Damned thing only has a range of 15!!

Discussion / SMG ammo description
« on: May 16, 2007, 02:34:20 am »
sometimes I can be Mr Picky.... 8)

It fires an upgraded version of the Belgian 5.7mm armour-piercing round, a steel penetrator with aluminium core....'s got to be some really amazing technology to have an aluminium core for AP ammo - one would normally expect AP ammo to have a hard core such as steel, tungsten or DU, and the aluminium to be the outer material to reduce weight thus increasing velocity and AP performance.

Feature Requests / Few bugs of 2.1.1
« on: May 15, 2007, 04:19:06 am »
Quote from: "elkapitan"

Quote from: "elkapitan"
5. Do flashbang and smoke really work? i tried them but no results. Aliens still see my troops and the civilians.

Flashbang does not block line of sight.
Smoke grenade does, but unfortunately the effect lasts only one turn.

smoke doesn't seem to work very well - used some recently, and the aliens immediately shot through it at short range (4-5 squares) all of which was smoked.

Looked good tho!

Discussion / shotgun and GL ranges....
« on: May 15, 2007, 04:16:22 am »
80 for the Shotgun, but only 24 (? from memory) for grenades........shouldn't they be the other way around?

I can see the flechettes having less effective range than the shotgun due to eth story line (GL flechettes have lower velocity), but in "real life" existing GL's already put their projectiles out to 500m viz 50 effective max for a shotgun.

Discussion / Game doesn't load
« on: May 15, 2007, 04:07:38 am »
lol - yes you are right Skylinux - it's worth it - the reload worked for me as above

Discussion / How do you tell what ammo is loaded?
« on: May 14, 2007, 06:01:56 am »
Cool - thanks for that.

Discussion / How do you tell what ammo is loaded?
« on: May 13, 2007, 01:10:24 pm »
For weapons with different ammo available such as the GL and shotgun?

Also how do you change what the initial load is?


Tactics / What's your favoret load out?
« on: May 13, 2007, 10:08:25 am »
Just started & working through it still.

So far I'm enjoying flamethrowers - I only use 1, but with other troops spotting for it it gets a lot of kills.


1 FT
1 GL - usually loaded with flechette
2 Sniper Rifles
rest SMG's

Secondaries are SMG's for the 2 heavy weapons, autopistols for the others, although I haven't used them yet.

1 each frag, smoke, incendiary & flashbangs - just to try them all out.

Discussion / Game doesn't load
« on: May 13, 2007, 02:34:36 am »
and it did for me too - thanks.

Discussion / Game doesn't load
« on: May 12, 2007, 08:45:05 am »

Obviously lots of people are not having this problem - I'm using XP, 512mb - I just get a blank screen for a few seconds then back to the desktop.

Any hints?

I've tried a couple of things from hte FAQ but no joy.

FAQ / Game not loading
« on: May 08, 2007, 01:21:43 pm »
I have a slightly different version of the problem - the game does nothing except blank screen for about 3-4 seconds before returning to windows.

Tried running ufo +set snd_init 0 +set developer 1 and at least got the partial "gray screen" others have reported.

Not sure what to do with hte code posted above for "default.cfg", so I copied it inot a notebook file, renamed it default.cfg & put it into hte base directory & it made no difference.

Don't seem to have produced any log files.

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