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Messages - Flying Steel

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Artwork / Re: New here. Want to help
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:45:24 pm »
But how could BTAxis have it wrong, if what he just said is exactly the same thing he's had stickied at the top of this forum for the last 3 years?

Is this a very recent change then, or has 'advanced powered armor' just been renamed and still functions the same way?

Artwork / Re: New Rocket Launcher
« on: June 25, 2010, 06:22:13 am »
Normal Mapping:

Artwork / Re: New Rocket Launcher
« on: June 23, 2010, 10:29:58 pm »
Looks rather fine. The back "cone" might be a little too abrupt and steep and it's a little hard to comment details without texture but overall, looks good IMO.

I'd suggest waiting for Winter or some other dev to confirm that it's okay.

That can certainly be done, but it might then look like a near clone of the carl gustav, which is why I used a tail cone more like that of the AT4. Do you have a preference on this, Winter?

Artwork / Re: New here. Want to help
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:36:06 pm »
Simply top notch. I hope you find the time to redo all of the human armor variants.

Artwork / Re: New Rocket Launcher
« on: June 23, 2010, 09:25:05 pm »

How's this?

« on: June 22, 2010, 05:07:21 pm »
Actually that's not a very good place to look, because not all proposals linked from there are accepted. You're better off looking at

The thing is those look like mostly gameplay mechanics; do you have anything like that but for models?

Artwork / Re: New Rocket Launcher
« on: June 22, 2010, 05:04:43 pm »
Alright then, a 120mm version of a carl gustav. Are there any more design points we want to add to this?

Winter what did you mean by an advanced recoiless rifle? Advanced as in having a range finder instead of a simple scope or iron sights, maybe?

Artwork / Re: Non-Anthropomorphic Taman, Shgaar and Ortnok?
« on: June 22, 2010, 04:39:55 pm »
I was speaking more generally. And I still think that it is generally accurate that there is no artistic direction from the devs. There is only you and BTAxis coming in after the fact saying yes or, more often, no.

This is true, to really be able to attract and manage the art contributions you are requesting, it is important to have all of your concepts' requirements written down ahead of time and accessible to artists. For existing content that you wouldn't mind having replaced or improved at some point in the future, it is very helpful to list the features that you want to keep and the things you would like to see changed and how.

Artwork / Re: Non-Anthropomorphic Taman, Shgaar and Ortnok?
« on: June 22, 2010, 06:49:14 am »
Would you folks mind if the Tamans' legs were digitigrade?

Realistically speaking, it would probably make them faster runners than humans, but slower swimmers.

Artwork / Re: New Rocket Launcher
« on: June 22, 2010, 06:41:51 am »
So how do you want the new model to look differently from the current one? And are there any specific real world weapons you'd like the new version to be based on?

« on: June 22, 2010, 02:34:47 am »
It would be nice if we could keep a list on the wiki and link to it from a sticky in this forum. The TODO/General list is quite extensive for models, but not sure if it's up to date. Does someone not as new as myself have a clear idea on this? I'd like to do some cleanup around the artwork/mapping forums to make it clearer for people coming in after 2.3's release, and this would be a great thing to get cleaned up.

Very true, it is not entirely clear what artwork is wanted at this point, specifically, just that it is really needed in general.

Artwork / New Rocket Launcher
« on: June 22, 2010, 02:31:29 am »
The old rocket launcher model looks somewhat unwieldy for a short ranged tactical launcher loaded and fired by just one man (as opposed to a team of two, which is usually the case) and maybe a bit outdated as well. So I started on a new one, based loosely on a few modern day systems from real life.

So what do you think, good, bad?

If approved, I'll continue on to the UV/textures/LoD work for it. I usually release my work under the GPL.

Artwork / Re: Non-Anthropomorphic Taman, Shgaar and Ortnok?
« on: June 21, 2010, 11:25:42 pm »
Adding rather than replacing is a good place to start. Like I said, the game really needs more artists for precisely the kinds of additions you're suggesting.

There's some other art assets I'd like to add before I get to this anyway. I'm thinking more in terms of a pre-2.4 timeline.

Plus, in attempting to replace the shagaar and ortnok there could be versions that don't make one of those two parts, but instead becomes the content that represents additional alien species.

Discussion / Re: do explosions travel thorugh walls
« on: June 21, 2010, 10:59:01 pm »
Even if you could shoot a coilgun through a wall, how would you aim it?

There are many situations where someone on your team has line of sight on a camping alien, but can't do anything or enough about it directly. So this "spotter" is how you know where to land the heavy artillery.

Other times just seeing where the alien ran in and guessing where he is in there by how far he has already moved (and thus how many time units he had left) can be enough for landing a damaging shot on him.

I disagree that the lack of damage through walls or destructable terrain is a hole in the gameplay. Being able to blow through every wall actually reduces the tactical complexity of the built environment to a very one-strategy game. This may change somewhat, however, when a visibility system is introduced to the game.

You might be overlooking some key limitations of damage through walls though if you think it would make for a one strategy game:

1) It doesn't demolish anything.
2) It doesn't defeat the stealth advantages of cover.
3) It has very limited penetration and/or area effect inside; it can't really hurt more than a couple targets behind more than a single thin wall.
4) The few weapons that can actually do this are specialized, unwieldy, expensive, advanced and/or ammo limited.
5) The battlescape conflicts are brief and fierce, with no reinforcements, so you don't have time to bazooka everyplace someone might be hiding, again and again.
6) It's a major factor in real life warfare, which uses numerous strategies.

As far as it being a hole in the gameplay or not, how else do you take out one or two aliens, held up in some small building, with very limited to no cover around it to approach with? Your only options are to use grenades or to storm it, but both of those require getting extremely close, which means losing (perhaps a lot of) soldiers almost certainly.

This is where some kind of artillery is supposed to come in, both in real life warfare and a well balanced strategy game. You have to have something to use against an enemy that is sticking to a very defensive position indefinitely. If they are consistently not doing anything particularly intelligent or active, just camping there, they need to be punished for it on the battlefield, not rewarded.

Artwork / Re: Non-Anthropomorphic Taman, Shgaar and Ortnok?
« on: June 21, 2010, 08:08:51 pm »
Armor variants shouldn't be a big problem.

In principle yes, though we'll probably want to retain the Taman especially because of its similarities to the "grey" type alien.

The new head looks great, but I think it may be a little too close to the standard grey/sectoid design for comfort. We really want to maintain a non-standard look for everything in UFO:AI.

??? I'm getting some conflicting signals on this aspect of the art direction, it seems like. Have you folks in the design team not fully agreed on the desired direction of the Taman?

Yeah, I think any new aliens are likely to be added to rather than replace the current aliens. But they'd probably be welcome. If you can do modeling/artwork, we could really use the help.

I'm thinking of doing a little of both actually. Methinks it would be an important enhancement to the feel of the game, to have both a fairly large number of and truly alien variation in the creatures showing up over the course of the game. Three "spacemen" type aliens just don't come anywhere near the full potential of this aspect of the game, which is something I'd like to fix if possible.

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