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Messages - Seerorin

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Artwork / Questions about models
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:21:07 pm »
I would like to help with a few models. Mostly static ones cause I'm not so good at animation. So I would like to know firstly what you need the most? How much poly's can be used? I think the game should go with 1500 for a car? Or it have to be less? What the engine even supports right now?

Artwork / Re: small dropship
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:14:48 pm »
Forgot to tell. Only problem with this turbine based system it's can't be used on really high altitudes. Just like helicopters. They have to be under about 6000 metres. Cause if you move higher engine effeciency goes down exponentially. But they are working and will go into civilian crafts someday if they don't invent any better. That means planes will go lower but cheaper(if electricity will be easily stored.). Also any landing craft with weaponry should have rotary turrets and two pilot cockpit. If you go with high pressure turbines you should simply rise model height a little bit. Say there is a fusion reactor in the back of the fuselage. Put a large intake on the top. Heighten the cockpit a bit for two pilots. Also with this you can forget large wings. It should travel need supersonic with these engines small retractable wings should be easily enough for them. They can easily hover. Only problem would be they don't carry UGVs but the plane itsilf could be function as one after soldiers leave it maybe? Otherwise you have to make it a lot bigger. Even tough I don't see any real reason behind an UGV probably will be no use... A wheeled machinegun, meh... But the dropship fliing over the place firing 20mm shiiva rounds would make the aliens think twice about getting into open ground. :D

Artwork / Re: Restyling Mesh&Texture Firebirb
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:38:51 pm »
Just a little insight. You could make the plane a bit taller That way you can easily avoid engines to be too close. Also this is an assault craft. Nose weapon shouldn't be in some kind of bay or anything. Either remove it completely and say it's an unarmed military troop transport or make it so it can mount weapons on a rotary in the front. Also a double cockpit would be nice(dunno if you can assign two pilots or not but for this kind of craft would be always a must have, de second pilot in groound missions should be the gunner(don't have to implement that... But it's pretty strange the craft don't give you any sight on map. It should be giving at least line of sight in front cause the cockpit.

Artwork / Re: small dropship
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:20:06 pm »
You should make it run off of fusion power and extreme speed vacuum engines. They work like a turbine. But this time they make high pressure inside a chamber even heating the air a little bit and sending out on the other end of the engines. They can use high effecienty linear electric motors wich can be made as loops. Those things simply can rock! They need miniscule place, miinimal repairs virtually every single row in the turbine can have it's own engine(high resilience against ordinary damage). This technology is something on what they also as a high effeciency electric enginge for planes. Only problem it is indeed effective in the atmosphere but neither it is cheap neither powering it is easy. This is more like a jet engine based on electronics. Only effective on higher energy levels. Fusion reactors also could be used in the games. In this year we did the first fusion reactor work. So in 70 years we could easily make them accesible to military crafts. Building more advenced craft is always a have to. So they would never stop producing weaponry. 50 years of peace is nothing, compared to more than 4 thousand years of war. Every country should be still researching into military tech. Maybe not fielding it fast cause it's not so cheap. But they should keep a ready stock in need.

Feature Requests / Re: Suppressing fire: For those hard to get aliens
« on: August 19, 2014, 11:40:05 am »
Only losing too many health. For our soldiers also dead comrades gives moral damage. If you don't hit them directly and do damage. They can simply walk through anything. When I first met sheevar wich is really resistant to AR fire. That beast simply walked through the fire of two of my soldiers for whole round. He got hit at least 3-4 times. Still he simply got closer and killed one of my man. Didn't really seemed that way he is afraid from my troops firing at him with with rifles.

Tactics / Re: Money trouble
« on: August 19, 2014, 11:34:03 am »
You just have to use smoke in other way. Also i enclosed areas. IR googles and flashbang in more useful. At least as far as it's get for me. IR goggles can see through walls. Flashbangs make any alien a dead alien. Never seen them hit after a flash in the face.

Tactics / Re: 2.5 Early game builds+what effect the amount of TU's?
« on: August 19, 2014, 02:17:40 am »
Also how can I get the XAW-95, or it is not an ingame campaign weapon?

Tactics / Re: Money trouble
« on: August 19, 2014, 02:11:46 am »
With smokes... Yes they are excelent... Everytime... Everywhere... I consider smoke reliancy a really annoying bug... I don't like the idea of rely only on smoke cause it's an exploit. The worst one cause if you don't use it you are set back. If you learn to use it(not mechanical skill or tactical simply remembering always putting it down) then it makes combat really unfair and disgusting. Only used smokes about 3 times. You shouldn't be able to fire out of smoke, or use it as invicibility. Aliens even close to you will never shoot you. Even from 3 metres... You can walk up to them and fire from the smoke screen if other soldier has vision of the target. This is exactly like indirect fire for every single ingame weapon. I don't like the idea of a cheat like this. Didn't saracen had better stat than stiletto... I tought stilettos are tougher larger firepower stronger. Would be nice to have more stats(HP,basic evasion, aim,).

I just collected ufos wich I didn't shot down... I sold the only one wich was damaged. But I agree. The game has to be exploited... Mostly with the mentioned spam of smoke... Also I have countries in pleasant state at least. Only one is the state neutral. Maybe if we could chose to sell ufo parts not on market but for certain countries. Or if you research a technology and you can sell it to the countries not for money bot for nation happiness that would be awesome. Or give them a few alien artifacts for the same reason. That way I could keep the lot of 100% ships what I get from landed ufos(I can't really shoot down a lot only 3 downed ufos in 3 month.). I want to stock up on alien materials. So I hope there will be some kind of implementation of this. Even maybe if I give tech to the nations they start to build their own good planes and start to down ufos? :D Would be fun if not just my little interceptors and the few ufos would be up in the air. Also why no one else has radar coverage just the phalanx. Pretty strange.

Tactics / Re: 2.5 Early game builds+what effect the amount of TU's?
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:51:14 am »
That is quiet some sniping. Hmm so even normal sniper can shoot through 1 wall? Also I'm now got to mid game, and realized. My early despite taking 10 intact ufos and dissembling most of them. Few of them is worked on right know. Is simply just didn't any resources to start up a secondary base/team. So I'm pretty much stuck. I have two bases. Started to pump out equipment what I need. But got into trouble with low money. I have laser weapons. So secondary could be viable. With more bases. Also in desperate need of more radar cover. But there is just simply no chance... -.-This is a pretty lame stage of the game. Maybe I drop it here and now again. Cause it's idiotistic how you get no money/missions early game, and expected to suddenly be able to transition to 2-3 missions per week after 1 mission/2 weeks. Cause you can't shoot down shit with your interceptors. Fighters simply decimates even fully equipped human interceptors. Even if equipped with their very own particle cannon. That should be a bit balanced. Considering dragons are really hard to build and really late to run out to work... Exploiting base defence system is a bad idea. Not enough bases not enough space for anything... So I don't if I could just send out rookies and call it a day... Making my good soldiers die in the process wasting money on equippinf useless goons... Don't like this concept... Also exploiting smoke is feels bad for me... There could be real tactical choices not just ok achieve laser>smoke everything exploit>ok you reach a stage where you use the same tactic again again again. Pretty annoying mostly you could only do one thing in the game exploiting certain bugs. -.-

Feature Requests / Re: Suppressing fire: For those hard to get aliens
« on: August 19, 2014, 01:02:55 am »
Strange but this would make HMG maybe a capable weapon. Maybe it would be like this: You got enemy bullets fly 2-3(depending on balance) tile away from an actor, for every 2-3(also depending on balance) bullets you could make a save. Based on your willpower(hmm maybe not's that the name... -.-), if you miss you lose 1-2 TU if you fail, if you fail by a lot you even could lose morale(morale is only for humans?). This way it could be only achieved by full auto fire, or multiple actors firing at the unit. Also battle hardened veterans wouldn't really been affected by it(a soldier with a willpower of 80+ shouldn't even flinch from such a thing). This way it could really work in an interesting way. Also certain exceptions should be made. Like for the needler you could make it a separeted count. Also weapons with not real visible effect like lasers would be at a bit of disadventage here. Cause only visible hearable weapons would count. A fizzing a bullet nearby or the fizzing sound of a particle beam/plasma charge could make soldiers and aliens pee their pants alike. Especially if they are fliing by the dosens. This way machine gun should became a long range supression tool. If it balanced well the average TU luss would be less than ten for the HMG. For weapons wich fire more bullets it could be a little better. But they are better at pinning down things. Oh only could work for countuniusly firing weapons. Where the first shot missing/near missing means that no more danger. But with an automatic weapon a hail of bullets fliing towards you. Would be pretty scary. Even if you are an alien. Until you aren't a combat drone wich can't feel fear, or it don't have living instnict you will be susceptible. Trained soldiers not so much, but that what war is all about. It hardens people and aliens alike.

Feature Requests / Re: The game should play around 2030 instead
« on: August 19, 2014, 12:27:27 am »
The games technology mostly look like it is about 20 year more advenced than us at the max! I'm right know asking around about the game. How this and that works. If I would have a little bit of free time(I don't have a lot). Maybe I could help them make a few models what looks a little more "sci-fi". Mostly would touch weaponry, battle armors, vehicles buildings. But if you think about it it's really pretty hard to do it... My main concern isn't even this. But the model quality not really consistent. The game got a lot better from 2.3(I dropped it after about 3 triest with 2-3 missions each.). So first of all they could rise the average model level to the level of weapons/soldiers cause a few things looks awful in considertion of those. A few soldier heads could be made also better. I'm not so good at modelling humans so I don't really want to try to do that. But I think I can work on weapons and props. Maybe UGV models. But firstly I will need to complete the game. Wanna see what is how working so I could have a real insight. Cause there is virtually not many good descriptions in the game(like IR goggles, through wall weapons). A few weapons also awfully balanced(plasma weapons, HMG, Grenade launcher(far too realiable and unrealistic)). So if I have enough time and devs accept it. I will try to contribute for the game. But as of yet I don't know how things works, and what they need first. Also first of all they should get all the features working. Like UGVs, campaign missions, advenced facilities, AI. So after those are really done. They could look into things like this.

Tactics / Re: Money trouble
« on: August 18, 2014, 09:52:06 pm »
I don't want to cheat... I have took 10 ufos exactly intact... Only shot one over a see. I can't kill ufo fighters with a stiletto even with double particle cannon+laser+alien electronic warfare suit+alien armor. So I don't really tried to shoot ufos down. Craft too expensive. I have two bases one in europe one in america. As said I started to build more workshop in america cause I needed the capacity of it to make new equipment. I need it fast... Can't buy it. Plasma rifles and combat armor not really helping me out... -.- I built a few clips for plasma weapons when I did the full team transition but only 30 pieces. So ammo not really a trouble. Anymore but will be cause I have to transition to laser for better accuracy. Also nanocomposit armor is a must. Cause without that I'm dead meat in harvester missions with armored tamans...

Tactics / Money trouble
« on: August 18, 2014, 07:10:38 pm »
I'm just reached the point in the game when I could need a lot of equipment. Nano armors, laser weapons, dragons. I had two bases. So I tought I could build my second base witch had just two interceptor hangars and minimal reqruired things for operation into a equipment build base. I had 300k at start. I got myself into the job. Built 4 workshops. Running them is ok, but I need to build more bases cause I need radar cover and get somer of their ships even down... Even if only when they try to get my firebird. Also I can't build more alien sites... Wich I also could need... So I ask you how to get more money? I sell all alien things what I don't need. Won every mission. Took apart 10 ufos. Still no luck... -.- There are not enough missions for me to take even if there could be my man can't heal. Newbies sent out wouldn't be really effective(low stats... most of them below 25 acc and weap skill so don't wanna send them against armored enemy...). Will it be better later on with money or it's just get even worth. Cause I see I need more money as game progresses but I get less. I would need a second team but I can't get proper soldiers for that team. Losing a mission is now game over. So what are you guys do to get your economy started? Cause it's starting to get fustrating. I can't afford even to see where those things lands...

Tactics / Re: 2.5 Early game builds+what effect the amount of TU's?
« on: August 18, 2014, 05:06:18 pm »
The smoke is mostly owerpowered if used correctly. Cause you can use it to not get shot, and aliens aren't so tough. I have a good sniper so I can take any tamans in early mid game who I just see. Just simply one shot him. They wear armor but it not really seems to do any good for them. My only problem is there is no direct sight lot of the times. Smoke tough can easyli save my men. Aliens don't shoot at it. Yeah sometimes Civvies dies in instant. But mostly thanks to my extreme range kill capability if I see an alien in the first round that alien is a dead alien. My concern is mostly that civilian AI not really doing anything. A freakingly large alien ship is near and they still just wandering around. I mostly just lose 2-3 civvies/mission cause I can easily take out enemies. Thinking about transition to through wall capable railgun. But dunno what in reality throughwall capability means. Maybe I will make a few videos about things like smoke and throughwall weapons after I get to know them pretty well. But only 30 dmg increase don't seem to worth it. It could if it means I can snipe from the whole map and get instant kills on sheevars. Then it could be nice. Else it's on pair with nothing... Also depends on how much accuracy improves or degrades considered to sniper rifle. Cause my sniper can hit with 66% percent when crouched from nearly map edge to map edge. If the railgun is more precise through a wall, then it's the way to go cause I if I can shoot through most walls I don't even have to move a lot just shoot them from afar... :D Sounds fun for me. :D

Tactics / Re: 2.5 Early game builds+what effect the amount of TU's?
« on: August 18, 2014, 11:49:19 am »
Hmm right now I made a bit of testin about this how they shoot at you. Yes they try to shoot for the kill. Smoke right know simply oveerpowered. Even if they don't have IR sight they should at least random fire(don't know if it can be done in the code) in to the cloud. Also that they use linear distance makes them most of the time not really able to get to your team if they can't walk into shooting position within 1-3 turns(maybe I'm not perfectly correct on this one, but seems like they can plan forward for 3 turns). If I read it correct they work as inviduals but not as a team right, and you are using simple in engine code to them. Maybe if you can cheat a little bit with coding(If I remember correctly ufo:afterlight used something like this), you can create a separeted program wich calculates movement. Only works if you can get the routing information of the game easily accessible. This way maybe you can make a better routing for them. So they will not linger at the lowest level of a building while you are killing their buddies and taking their ship on ground level.

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