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Topics - Kent

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Windows / Text graphics problem in 2.5(?)
« on: July 01, 2014, 11:14:54 pm »

First, I'd like to say I enjoyed V2.4 quite a bit and am looking forward to seeing what is new in 2.5. Also, I apologize in advance if this question has been asked before - I did check around but certainly may have missed something. Note that this may be similar to the 'Font Problem' posted by Real Spirit on Sept 3, 2013 but I did not see a resolution to that question.

Anyway, I installed 2.5 on my laptop (Windows 7 64 bit) and the small white text that is used in many windows (for example, the place where you chose campaign difficulty) is rather difficult to read - different pixels in the letters seem to have very different brightness. I blamed this on my crappy laptop screen, but then I installed 2.5 on my home computer (also Windows 7 64 bit, but with different graphics card and much better monitor) and have exactly the same problem. I tried fiddling with stuff on the graphic options panel, but that didn't seem to help. On the other hand, I had no idea what a lot of the options did so I may have missed something obvious. Oh, for my laptop I also tried changing the resolution to the native 1366x768 by hand (per another post) and that had no effect either.

Any suggestions on what to do to make things more readable?

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