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Messages - evilhamburger

Pages: 1 [2] 3
User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 11, 2010, 04:50:33 am »
That's what the settings file is for, it also only ever prompts to back up once.

However the error means the settings file cannot be read (I mentioned why above) and as such it prompts again and backs the PK3s up again.

I couldn't find any registry entries that pointed to the UFO:AI installation, that's the only reason it asks for it in the first place...

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:57:16 am »
First error was a last second mistake by myself... I was testing the error window (last second addition) and wrote in a change to the settings file to make all things throw an error...

Fixed :)

Second error I will get to later, my break is almost over.

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:51:32 am »
Just wondering if the program fully crashed or if the Error Window just opened?

The first one I'll have to look in to, however the second one I believe is because I forgot that custom *pk3 files exist only inside the .mod file.

Next version I will fix both these up, however I can not do any work during the week because of my school. (Just a lucky chance I happened to be checking my email and say this topic had been posted on)

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 08, 2010, 03:42:30 pm »
New version: (beta)

Report any suggestions/faults/etc
---Use with caution---

Major Updates:
  • PK3 files can be created by the program from UFOs
  • Supports backing up and restoring original PK3s
  • Mods no longer overwrite existing PK3s
  • Bug fixes and debug updates

  • Make into a quick launch application and streamline interface (any suggestions?)
  • Support models, music, etc in mods instead of just new UFO files
  • Stability updates -- alter Debug structure so an error is handled gracefully


Now I get to finally start work on the main modder lol

<last minute update>
Errors are now handled better...

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 07, 2010, 12:41:50 pm »
I'd say around 8% (Both projects combined) towards a final release. (Final as in 100% finished, not final as in released)

The mod switcher is about 75% complete and the Modding application itself does not need to be at a final release stage before it is stable and able to edit certain things.

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 06, 2010, 12:48:49 pm »

Photos of the basic modding interface and the mod switcher.

<use new link>
Demo + source of DMSC.dll

WinRAR cannot make .zip files through command line (wtf lol) so I will have to include 7z.exe and run that off command line.
By the end of Saturday I can get every feature as specified in the readme.txt finished (I have lots and lots of spare time on the weekends, none in the week though sorry)

I'm taking most of Sunday off (for obvious reasons), so no coding then.
I chose C# over C++ because this program does not require performance and the ease of programming makes it worth it (Much lower Dev time)

This version requires the .net framework version 3.5 and is windows only. Future versions will only require V2.0 and final versions will be released for both Mac and Linux (Expect a 1-3 day delay between releases for Windows and Mac/Linux)

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 03, 2010, 02:34:31 am »
if you are writing stuff like this, please keep portabiilty in mind - did you had a look at the uforadiant sources yet? an editor is already integrated - extending it might be a good idea. it would be a pity to not use some tools because they aren't portable.

My goal never was to build a map editor, and no I have not looked at any sources for UFO:AI.

As for portability, C# is 100% portable to both OSX and Linux, the best thing is I can do all that without leaving windows (Before the hate starts... My windows is awesome and "customised")

I will post a beta for the modswitcher tonight, and some screen-shots of the UFO:AI Modder

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 02, 2010, 06:33:49 pm »
1641 Lines so far (Yes... I added them up) and 106 lines of normal text (Describing custom files used by the programs)

The mod launcher is ready for a beta-release. At current it just dumps out .pk3 files in place of their originals, next version will support creating .pk3 files, and therefore be able to simply place .PK3s alongside their default counterparts. (Meaning switching mods is quicker)

It's 2:20am so that's why I am making little sense :)

Current Binaries are:
Error.dll -- Contains a universal error reporting system, used by both exes
Mod.dll -- Contains classes and functions relating to manipulating .mod files
Settings.dll -- Contains a 460 line completely dynamic, multi-purpose (and standalone :))settings class (Have been meaning to write one for a while)
Later I will roll the .dlls into a single library... But not until I get the .zip functions working...

On my TODO: List for tomorrow is.
  • Create a rollback function on ModSwitcher for default files
  • Use ZLib to manipulate PK3 files
  • Rework ModSwitcher to support .ufos
  • Finish coding item file parser/saver on UFO:AI Modder
  • Get basic edits working (Means that a preview of the modder won't be far off if I get this done)

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 01, 2010, 04:11:05 pm »
Java? nah...

I am current coding it in C#/C++ (I know it sucks...) and am doing so because it is much quicker than pure C++.

Once I have a fully working version, I will rewrite everything in C++ to make it portable (I prototype everything in C#/C++)

BTW... when I say C#/C++ I mean that I use C# plus some C++ code wrapped in a .dll

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 01, 2010, 12:34:02 pm »
Well a fully working program will probably be at least 10k lines in the Modding Program
And at least another 1.5k in the Mod Switching program

Those estimates do not take into account interface designs. (Which are normally about 100-800 lines of generated code)

At current I am at ~830 Lines (Plus 100 lines of normal text describing file formats)
I have at least another 2 hours of coding before I decide to go to sleep so chances are I can get alot more done.

Although roughly half of that written code is shared between the Mod Manager and the Modder, so I will probs finish the Mod Manager first.

Also... How do I create a .zip file at runtime? Seems that's the one thing I have never dealt with...
Basically I'm looking for a nice windows API method that I can give a list of files I want zipped up to. Either that or I can use command switches on something like winRAR (But that would require an installation of winRAR on every single computer...)

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: May 01, 2010, 06:51:27 am »
I have started work...
Atm I am at a measly ~300 lines of code, and I have designed 1 interface of about 8-9.

By the end of today I should have 1000 lines of code
By the end of Monday I should have 3-4 interfaces built and ~2000 lines of code.

I don't have much time during the week, so expect a prototype early release by next Sunday at the earliest, Saturday the 15th at the latest.


User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: April 29, 2010, 08:24:00 am »
I'll start working on the parsing part of it now...
I'll save the hard work for once I know people want it.

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: April 27, 2010, 11:32:37 am »
I'm just wondering if there is a modding application out there, and if not would anyone like me to make one?

User modifications / Re: Modding Application
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:53:20 am »
Please note that there probably is one, I just don't know about...
In which case please point me to the download page.

User modifications / Modding Application
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:49:05 am »
Just asking, is there a program out there that allows users to mod with a GUI?

If not, I'm more than interested in making one (Provided people want one)

Basically it would allow faster editing, and would come with a "mod switcher" that would allow users to flick through mods quickly without having to modify their directory whenever they want to play a different mod.

FYI, I have too much time on my hands :)

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