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Linux / gtksourceview2 is unmaintained, port to gtksourceview3?
« on: March 03, 2018, 04:48:26 pm »

I just wanted to forward a bug report to you. Apparently gtksourceview2 is obsolete and unmaintained upstream and gtksourceview3 is now the next best thing.

AFAICT SourceView.cpp is the only file that makes use of this library. Not sure how much work is required to port radiant to gtksourceview3 but I wanted to let you know anyway.


we had to recompile ufoai a few days ago because of the bug in ufo2map which we had discussed in a separate thread. Now the following happens: If I start a skirmish, I can already see the map but before all team members appear ufoai crashes with a segmentation fault. This is Debian bug

gdb shows a null pointer and some memory that can't be accessed. Any ideas why the game is suddenly crashing at this position? My debug.log is attached.

Linux / ufo2map segmentation fault
« on: April 19, 2017, 07:40:14 pm »

In Debian I build the maps for UFO:AI 2.5 from source. This works most of the time. However on i386 (32bit) and rarely even on amd64 (64bit) I get a segmentation fault, something like

/usr/bin/ufo2map -v 4 -nice 19 -quant 4 -soft maps/
> build/ recipe for target 'base/maps/oriental.bsp' failed
> make[2]: *** [base/maps/oriental.bsp] Segmentation fault

Is this a known issue and possibly fixed in the 2.6 branch? Is there a compile time option to increase the verbosity of ufo2map?
You should be able to reproduce this with the official Debian package (ufoai-maps)
I'm reporting this issue because there is currently an open Debian bug #860680 and I would like to fix it.

Any ideas?

Linux / UFO:A AI snapshot 13/10/01 lua issues
« on: October 02, 2013, 12:15:29 am »
I tried to build the latest git snapshot today (commit: f32f700011d7f3923f98bb9c5298c06e0c456028)

It seems you added some lua flags and libs to the git repo. Lua is already packaged for Debian and I need to link against one of the available lua packages in Debian. We support lua5.1 and lua5.2. I get build failures when I remove the lua libs in src/libs/lua.

The testsuite aborts because it can't find lua.h. I fixed that by patching src/game/g_ai_lua.cpp and src/game/g_local.h. I set the include path of lua.h to lua5.2/lua.h for example.

However I get another error later:

No rule to make target `release-linux-x86_64/testall/libs/lua/lapi.cpp.o',
needed by `testall'.  Stop

What do I have to do to prevent ufoai from building the embedded lua libs and to use Debian's packages?

Discussion / Debian Games Team is looking for new members
« on: September 20, 2013, 12:15:59 pm »
Hi folks,

I'm a member of the Debian/Ubuntu Games Team and we are constantly looking for new people who'd like to help us improving and packaging FOSS games like UFO:AI. As some of you probably know, I'm working on an official release for UFO:AI at the moment.,7822.0.html

Short summary:

The Debian/Ubuntu Games Team provides packaging and support of games in Debian and Ubuntu archives. From RPGs, FPS's and RTS's to flight sims, board games and art games, we work collaboratively to share problems, bugfix, package and promote FOSS games in all genres and we seek new members to assist us in our work. We have roles for all technical levels. From producing screenshots and documentation, building packages of existing games, tracking down new and interesting games for inclusion to helping with licensing and source materials of games and art. If you have a passion for GNU/Linux, love gaming and want to help make the base distro of Ubuntu, Mint and many others even better then please contact us on IRC at #debian-games on or via our mailing list

Here are some interesting links if you want to get involved in the fun. Even if you can't or don't want to jump in immediately, please spread the word and we are also always looking for friendly IRC idlers. ;)

There is some info about the team here:

There are lots of ways you can get involved with the team, many of
them are documented here:

You can help with maintaining existing games:

Or packaging new games:

If you want to learn how you can create new Debian packages, check out these:

Or triaging and fixing bugs:

You can learn more about Debian's bug tracker here:

Our general QA overviews:

Linux / Debian: feedback and tests welcome
« on: August 21, 2013, 01:22:11 pm »
I have committed my latest work for UFO:AI here:

I invite every Debian/Ubuntu/Mint gamer to test those packages by cloning the git repositories and building the game from source. I can also provide binaries in a later development stage of 2.5, when it is clear that a release is only a few weeks away.

Edit: 02/11/2013
Debian packages for amd64 and i386,  from 1st of November 2013.

Edit: 28.06.2014
I have removed the binary packages from the server since they are outdated. The next ones will hopefully be official. :)

I still need to write the copyright files for the -data, -music and -maps source packages. I think I'm already done with the main ufoai source package which contains all source code. Another important point is creating identical and compatible maps. See also this thread:,7853.0.html

Debian provides a tool called Lintian which is mainly for checking Debian packages for policy compliance. But it can also detect common spelling mistakes in source packages. I'm attaching a patch that fixes a bunch of them.

What is the reasoning for displaying: "Download this game for free" at the intro screen? From the point of view of a Linux distribution this message shouldn't be necessary because it is clear that all users download the game from official Debian and Ubuntu servers. There are also various pointers to within the packages, so that I think it makes sense to omit this string in /src/client/cl_screen.cpp. What do you think?

Linux / Debian: compiling maps and producing identical files
« on: August 15, 2013, 08:13:45 pm »
The last technical challenge.

I would like to build all maps from source and I also have to. I already know that those maps must be identical to the official maps to ensure compatibility between client and servers of different architectures.

The maps need to be compiled only once on my own computer but the build process should be reproducible for others.

Simply spoken: What is necessary to create an always identical 0maps.pk3 that will be recognized by all clients and servers? Any ideas welcome.

Linux / Debian: uforadiant package
« on: August 15, 2013, 07:58:17 pm »
I'm quite satisfied with the uforadiant package. It compiles nicely and the application appears to work.


There are some helper files and scripts under contrib in the git repository. Is there anything useful that should be installed with the uforadiant package? Shall software be recommended or suggested by the Debian package like

Suggests: blender

Recommended packages are installed automatically when someone installs uforadiant, but this feature can be turned off or ignored.

There is only one thing which bothers me. At the first start up, uforadiant asks about the UFO:AI Installation Path. I have to tpye in "/usr/share/games/ufoai" or I can change this setting under Preferences later. I'd like to suggest to insert the value of "datadir" at build time automatically because this seems to be the place uforadiant is looking for. Or perhaps it isn't. Feedback is most welcome.

Linux / Debian: ufoai-server package (dedicated)
« on: August 13, 2013, 04:51:03 pm »
Hi folks,

I'm working on an official release for Debian as I mentioned in this thread,7822.0.html.

One unresolved task is the ufoai-server package for the dedicated server of UFO:AI. I haven't played ufo in multiplayer mode yet. I understand that you need to open port 27910 to allow other players to join the server, if you host a listen server. However I can't see any dedicated internet servers to which i can connect to. Sorry if this seems like a silly question but does something like a master server exist for ufoai which announces dedicated servers around the globe? Or can't I simply connect to a internet server because there isn't any for the 2.5 developer version yet?

I'm also looking for more information about server cvars. I have found and so far. My preliminary server package will contain a server.cfg in /etc/ufoai-server/ which is editable by users for a simple server wide ufoai-server installation.

The wiki says that the dedicated server needs all data pk3 files to function properly. However Mattn claimed that only 0base.pk3, 0ufos.pk3 and 0maps.pk3 should suffice. That sounds like a contradiction. What is true? :)

Is there a cvar to set the home directory of a user (the system wide Debian-ufoai server user) to another path?

What else do you deem important for a dedicated server package. What should be definitely included? Please voice your wishes here. :)

Linux / Official Debian release for UFO:AI
« on: July 14, 2013, 03:12:12 pm »
Hi everyone,

I am a member of the Debian Games Team and I am working on an official release of UFO:AI for Debian and its derivatives. So far i'm trying to get the bigger picture by figuring out in how many packages the game has to be split and if there are any license issues to consider.

You have done an extraordinary job with documenting the licenses of each and every file of the game. From Debian's point of view there exist only two issues which i think are easily solvable.

All files that are licensed under CC-BY-SA-2.0 and CC-BY-SA-2.5 are considered non-free by Debian but clause 4b) of CC-BY-SA-2.5 grants the right to upgrade the license to a later version while CC-BY-SA-3.0 is considered to be a DFSG-free license. CC-BY-2.5 is even less restrictive (no copyleft) and upgrading to CC-BY-3.0 should be no problem at all.

I have tried to compile the stable version 2.4 but the game failed to build from source with the latest packages from Debian unstable.

Code: [Select]
CamWnd.cpp:411: undefined reference to `CameraSettings::getMode() const'
However the latest development version compiles fine. I have built upon the already available Debian packaging work but upgraded almost all files to more recent technologies like source format 3.0, dh sequencer and so on.

My questions (so far):

I intend to split the game data in multiple source packages, depending on the frequency of updates, because the data is very large. Which data files change regularly and what files are more static?

UFO:AI seems to depend on many different fonts. What fonts are strictly needed to make the game run? The current unofficial Debian packaging pulls in almost 150 MB of font data.

Why do you build-depend on binutils-dev? The game appears running fine without binutils.

Do you provide a changelog somewhere?

I think i will find more questions in the future but that's it for now. ;)

Thanks for reading this far and for developing UFO.


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