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Topics - Wh1sper

Pages: [1] 2
Discussion / wrong event order in missions
« on: August 19, 2012, 11:46:16 am »
Hello all,
in 2.4 stable and in 2.5 dev also there is a wrong order in the "shoot -> result -> animation".
In example I shoot an alien and I will hit, then the Alien Cry comes first, second the dying animation, last the drawn shoot.
Same if one of my soldiers is hit in reaction fire first the cry,then the hit animation, last the shoot.
Is this a unchangeable design problem in the graphic engine or is it in the scripting engine or what is it?
I can't believe I'm the first that this "order problem" is disturbing.  I believer this problem is in 2.5 dev more disturbing because the time frame is longer.

it's a bit hard to describe what I mean, please help me  in clarify if anything is  misunderstand.

Don't get me wrong one could live with it, but it would be nice this order problem would be fixed. (And, yes I tried to find a related thread)

Discussion / Auto Selling feature
« on: August 12, 2012, 02:01:41 pm »
I'm here just to say that the auto selling Item feature is very great!
But it took me several game months to discover it.  :'(
The Tutorials should give a hint to this.  ::)
So, never mind ... happy hunting!

Discussion / Tactical Mission does not begin
« on: June 22, 2012, 07:29:46 pm »
I startet a new game.
2 or 3 missions were ok, this one (savegame attached) will not begin.
Test yourself.
6 Soldiers, the question start/Automatic displays clicking on start won't do anything.
This effect is repeatable.
Version June 3, 2.4 AMD 64  Linux

Discussion / Lost Game
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:33:11 pm »
I lost the Game, but do not know why?

My money is quite ok, most nations are above neutral, only america is tolerant. I sold a lot of ufos to america in the hope to do it right.
I have 2 functional bases, shot down a lot of ufos, only the 1110 mph ufos are leaving alone.
did al terror missions and nearly all landing missions. so what is the key I missed?

Discussion / Medikit is empty
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:29:26 pm »
Many of my Medikits are empty. in tactical mission is there a change to identify medikits number of shot available?
second: Why do they not refill in the base? Or disappear, at lest?
Is this known by the devs?
My version: 3, June 2012 AMD 64 Linux build

Discussion / Bug already known? Base cannot launch
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:24:12 pm »
My Base #2 are having 2 Saracen-class Interceptors
Once a time they do not appear anymore in the Capture screen, it looks like they do not exists.
Only my first Base are showing in the screen
The both have weapons and pilots.
I can not find, what the problem is.

Is this a bug? Is this already known?
My build is 3th, of June 2012, AMD 64 Linux

Discussion / The new campaign in 2.4
« on: June 19, 2012, 10:04:39 pm »
Because of my limitet knowledge of English I post this in German. If time allows I'll try to translate it in English as well.
Ich spiele die Kampangne auf Standard und bin beim 2. Juli 2084 angekommen.
Nun habe ich einen Firebird und einen schweren Einsatz mit meinen 8 Soldaten überstanden, da stürzt  das Schiff ab.
Ich habe es 2 mal hinterneinander erlebt, einmal einfach so und einmal wurde mein Schiff von einem Ufo angegriffen.

Ok, kann alles sein.
Meine Fragen: Ist das Normal? Kommt im Juli einfach mal sowas?
Und und wichtiger, ich schicke also eine Rettungsmission, gewinne, aber alle meine 8 Soldaten sind nicht mehr da, nur mein Rettungstrupp?
Ist das nicht etwas zu hoch?
Ich meine, der Verlust eines Firebirds ist doch schon schlimm, muss ich da noch alle meine mühsamen aufgeppelten Soldaten verlieren?  :'(

Linux / Debian unstable Packets available!
« on: September 18, 2011, 01:03:28 pm »
I compiled a fresh GIT snapshot.
You can find the debian packets here :
No guarantee :-)
It works for me.

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Graphc resolution
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:58:23 pm »
I found, that the game allways use 1024x800.
My native Screen is 1400x1050.
My System is
Code: [Select]
Processor 2x Genuine Intel(R) CPU T2400 @ 1.83GHz
Memory 2065MB (865MB used)
Operating System Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid
User Name bed
Date/Time Sa 17 Sep 2011 18:49:45 CEST
Resolution 1400x1050 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Mesa DRI Intel(R) 945GM x86/MMX/SSE2
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
Input Devices
AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
Lid Switch
Power Button
Power Button
Video Bus
Toshiba input device
PC Speaker
PS/2 Mouse
AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint
Printers (CUPS)
hl2030_series Default
Operating System
Kernel Linux 3.0.0-1-686-pae (i686)
Compiled #1 SMP Sat Aug 27 16:41:03 UTC 2011
C Library Unknown
Default C Compiler GNU C Compiler version 4.6.1 (Debian 4.6.1-8)
Distribution Debian GNU/Linux wheezy/sid
Current Session
Computer Name toshi
User Name bed
Home Directory /home/bed
Desktop Environment GNOME 2.30.2

"version" is "UFO: Alien Invasion 2.4-dev IA-32 Sep 16 2011 Linux DEBUG"

I'm very satisfied with the game and its resolution, because the harware is not very fast. So it might be unpossible to play in higher resolution, but I'm just wonder why it seems I cant get higher

Feature Requests / knocked out Soldier
« on: September 17, 2011, 06:47:05 pm »
If a soldier is badly hit, he dies.
Are there circumstances the soldier is only knocked out?
I would be very pleased if I can sometime get a "knocked out" soldier and carry him behind the corner so I can him give some medic.
The old famous xcom has this ...

Discussion / Some Questions to the gameplay
« on: September 17, 2011, 11:57:03 am »
I've just got the GIT Repository and compiled the whole stuff at my Linux Box.
In the second Mission I felt the need of changing the View do the 1rst Person sight. It was the key "V" I remember.
Is this not possible anymore?

In the Base, tryed to buy and sell some stuff. Where do I actually buying/Selling?
I used the menu and set the count up for some items. How do the business happen? What I have to click?
Going back to geoscape isn't it ..
And while I am asking... the same is for Soldiers, where can I recruit some?

I am a bit of helpless...

Iwish to play a while and posting a longer article in my blog for the German Linux Community, But I should able to buy and sell items ;-)

Linux / UFOai 2.3~~svn25152
« on: July 25, 2009, 12:47:34 pm »
Just tried the svn build svn25152  from trylegaldownloads after a long time.
The Skins of all the soldiers and aliens  in the missions are all dark. Is this a special issue for this build or is this correct?

Debian Lenny 32 bit Nvidia

Discussion / Congratulation!
« on: July 28, 2008, 05:36:27 pm »
Today here in Germany the Pc-Games Magazine 09/08 arrives at the Abonnents home.
And what is at the cover DVD? Yes! the UFO AI!
Unhappily for Windows only but no doubt, better than none.
In the Magazine at Page 37 is a little positive description about the game.
So, I am very pleased to see the Game in one of the biggest and most conversative Magazines in Germany.

Feature Requests / map: land06d signal 5
« on: April 06, 2007, 11:17:19 pm »
This is a very very hard map :) Maybe this comes too early in game where soldiers don't have any chance. But this is not the reason for posting:
Bug No1: First Person view is always wrong see image:
Bug No2: (after ca. 5 retries of the map)
Code: [Select]

[very much other stuff...]
InvAdd: ignoring:
Item: plasmagrenade
... name          -> Plasmagranate
... type          -> grenade
... category      -> 48
... weapon        -> 1
... holdtwohanded -> 0
... firetwohanded -> 0
... twohanded     -> 0
... thrown        -> 1
... usable for weapon (if type is ammo):
    ... Plasmagranate

InvAdd: ignoring:
Item: medium_alien
... name          -> Mittlere Alienrüstung
... type          -> armor
... category      -> 51
... weapon        -> 0
... holdtwohanded -> 0
... firetwohanded -> 0
... twohanded     -> 0
... thrown        -> 0
... usable for weapon (if type is ammo):

Save user settings to /home/bed/.ufoai/base/config.cfg
Error: No free inventory space!

Received signal 5, exiting...

Feature Requests / Automatic salve shoots
« on: April 06, 2007, 02:22:17 pm »
If the soldier is very near to the alien and shoots with a salve, the aiming quotient is -212%
What does that mean?
shouldn't it be +212% if greater than 100% is even logical  :roll:

Btw. of course the alien died :)
And luckily the soldier did not shoot with the rocketlauncher in the round before. Was this luck or do the soldier know that this would kill himself also?

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