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Topics - WhiteBaron777

Pages: [1]
It's been a long time since I last played the game (0.1.0 demo long) so I need to catch up to all the stuff added since then.

Windows / 2.4 not working
« on: March 11, 2013, 02:31:40 pm »
First,here are the specs of my PC:
Intel(R) Celeron(R) 1.70 GHz
64MB GeForce graphics card (I know,no need to point it out to me)
(The specs aren't the problem,I've run 2.3 on a PC with the same graphics card and 256 MB RAM)
And here is the problem:
I have downloaded the 920 MB file for Windows (ufoai-2.4-win32),but it won't start.
Whenever I try to do it,it freezes the folder it is in(NOTE:if I put it on the desktop,the desktop freezes,if I put it in a folder only that folder freezes)

If there are any questions,feel free to ask them.

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