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Topics - bertram

Pages: [1]
Hi, :)

As told in the title, sometimes, when I'm in the geoscape, the time stops to warn me about an event (perfectly normal), I mentally acknowledge and then press the play (>) or the fast forward (>>) button, and the time don't start for say up to five seconds before starting again.

Once you know it, you don't pay attention anymore, yet I got myself annoyed at the beginning, when the event in question was that the UFO was chasing my intercepter. You click on the (>) play button as you don't want it to happen to quickly since you're attempting to make the ufo fly over your sam site while pursuing the stilletto aircraft.

And it doesn't answer, you click on (>>) and dang, your stiletto is dead. No big deal, you can reload, ect, but I wanted to point it out.

Best regards,

Discussion / Battlescapes in easy modes
« on: February 17, 2013, 06:35:50 pm »
Hi all :)

I wanted to open a topic about battle scapes in easier modes.

First of all, I've read the main discussion's threads about RF, and I do think that the points raised there about using flashbangs, smoke grenades, using pistols, sometimes still losing soldiers, ... the strategical stuff and the overall pace and way to fight in the battle scape are really valid. The game is IMHO more interesting that way.

I'm also not willing to speak about the RF rules, which sounds fair from what I've read, and I managed to deal with it as much as I could. (And others have tested that much more than me).

What I wanted to raise here, is that as battle scapes are as hard in easier modes than in harder ones, the alien weapons being upgraded earlier in harder modes being the only difference, IIRC.
Hence, for the more casual-like players around, just as myself ;), I wanted to know whether making the aliens less accurate in the easier modes could be an more simple way to achieve easier fights without heavy refactorings. By less accurate, I mean they would have about half less chances to hit on very easy than on the normal mode. This way, the game would require a bit less strategy in easier modes, while remaining intact in harder ones.

Best regards,

Linux / Hi, Reporting a bug
« on: February 15, 2013, 05:43:45 pm »
Hi everyone :)

First of all, thanks for this super-duper game. I've been trying it from time to time, and from what I've seen so far, the improvements are numerous!

I would like to report a bug before you do the release but I had an error when clicking on the activation link of the *new* bug tracker. It led me to a 404 error, and the google+ link didn't work either. So I created an account here in order to report it asap :)

The bug happens when I try to enter a battle on a crash site or on a activity signal spot, for instance. Whenever the transporter reaches the site, two options are proposed: Enter or auto-mission. Auto-mission is working fine, but enter leads to a crash with the following log:

2013/02/15 17:21:30 CM_LoadMap: "-military_convoy/mc_ +main +craft_drop_firebird" "-48 -32 0 32 8 0"
2013/02/15 17:21:30 ********************
2013/02/15 17:21:30 ERROR: Couldn't load maps/military_convoy/mc_main.bsp
2013/02/15 17:21:30 ********************
2013/02/15 17:21:31 Shutdown server: Server crashed.
2013/02/15 17:21:31 Unload the game library
2013/02/15 17:21:31 Music: geoscape track changed from Crystan-Geosphere04 to Crystan-Geosphere02.
2013/02/15 17:21:35 Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode'
2013/02/15 17:21:35 Music: main track changed from Crystan-Geosphere02 to van_theme.
2013/02/15 17:21:37 Wrote config.cfg.
2013/02/15 17:21:37 Wrote keys.cfg

Please note that I'm using latest git that I compile without any local change, and I 'make install'ed it. I have the same crash on both the git version and in the installed version. Is a file missing?

Best regards,

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