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Topics - Holysniper

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Windows / Issues i have encountered
« on: December 26, 2012, 04:36:07 pm »
Well, first off id like to mention this game is AWESOME. Iv been playing for 2 or 3 weeks and am lovin it. But iv ran into a few issues along the way that,arent that bad but should be fixed when you guys have a chance to.
1. When chasing a ufo and my ships get under it or directly on top of it, the game slows down, well, sorta pauses, then for a split second it acts like the time has passed and freezes up again until one of the ships is destroyed. I believe the UFO Fighter is the only one that will actually let you get directly on top of it and i "THINK" thats the only one iv had this problem with.
2. IF while equipping your soldier, you place a new type of armor on top of one that he is already wearing it will replace that armor and not refund the armor to your inventory that he was wearing before.
3. This problem i got no idea whats going on. Its been about 4 months ingame and iv gotten no new research and iv done just about everything i can think of to try and stir up something i can research but i cant :( iv researched everything i can but i know theres more i can.

I would greatly appreciate a response to 3 but 1 and 2 are just to let you guys know that theyre happened.

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