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Topics - Cel123

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Newbie Coding / Compile and debug with Eclipse in Windows
« on: July 28, 2012, 11:51:44 pm »
Im not only new to UFOAI, but also to C, so lacking even the most basic sense. What i would like to do is to run the game from Eclipse on my Windows 7 machine and then play the full campaign - I want to play the newest version, but it crashes a lot, and I thought i could maybe work out why if i ran the game in debug..

So, what i have done thus far:

1) Installed TortoiseGit from
2) With depth specified as 1, cloned git://
3) Installed MinGW with the options of C compiler and MSYS from
4) Edited PATH Environment Variable C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;
5) Got Eclipse CDT (Juno) from

Next steps?:
Now i dont know how to compile C code at all, so i have no idea how i should import the ufoai source code into Eclipse workspace as a project that could then be compiled by Eclipse and run in debug mode?

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