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Topics - bpedro

Pages: [1]
Translating / Translation aid for Firefox & Chrome
« on: April 26, 2012, 02:48:21 pm »
Dear UFO Hunters, especially translators,

While I was creating some text translations, I was thinking about some helping widgets to appear. I had some time, so I created a GreaseMonkey script for the site. Currently it has two features hopefully helping translators:

First, on the translation (edit) pages, it shows the original source text right next to the translated edit-box. At least for me it helps a great deal to see my translation process and to review already done sentences, paragraphs.

The other feature is a small hint for the msgids list pages. There are those huge tables with the language columns and the translations in the rows. The second feature adds a combo box above it so that you can select the desired language, all the other stuff is hidden.

Tested on Firefox 12, but I think it will work with Chrome as well.

Try it out, if you like, and any bug reports or feature requests are welcome!
Here it is to download:
Greets and enjoy,

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