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Topics - mfazza

Pages: [1]
Hi there

I tried the next mission in the attached savegame for several times now. But after every try, i fall back to desktop and I don't know, why. I have also attached the console-log - so i hope, a developer (or someone else) can help me.

Thanks alot

Bugs prior to release 2.4 / Invisible Aliens and Open Doors
« on: April 19, 2012, 10:31:16 am »
Hello everyone

I'm new in this forum and have not read every article but overview some of them including the wiki. So I hope I can give you the important informations you need.

But I don't have a log or something else, because the bug occured some days ago:

An Alien got into mad rage because he was nearly surrounded by 3 soldiers and already has been shot twice. Just, when I saw the fear-animation (hands over the head), he disapeared. I first thought, this is a new tech (I used to play UFO several years ago and can't remember all the available techs) and he has beamed somewhere. So I was searching for the alien, but was not able to find him in several rounds. But the alien was very near and shot every round on my soldiers until one of my soldiers hit him with reaction-fire. He droped dead and there was just the weapon on the floor, but no body.

There was a second alien alive, that was also invisible until it was shot by reaction fire.

This occured only once but over several rounds until i won the round.

The second bug is in the map, when the aliens attac a base: When a door on the ground floor (double door and on the oposite wall a single door) of the "werkstatt" (workshop?) is opened, so the same door of every other workshop is also opened.

I play the 2.4-dev on Win7 in German (sorry for my english ;-) ).

Ohh... and thanks to everybode who is involved in this project! I really love to play this game!

Greetings from Germany

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