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Topics - Kmarade

Pages: [1]

I tried to modify a ufo0.pk3 file, to adjust some things in the campaign file. But when I launch the game, the launcher says "Could not find version string for script files" at the end, and don't launch the game. I just modify some variable, and just a little, so I don't think there's a code error. Someone can help?

Windows / End of mission - gathered items bug
« on: June 15, 2011, 05:00:34 pm »

first, sorry for my english, I'm French...
I got a bug on the game : when I finish a mission, there's no gathered items. If I try to pick an alien item in the battlescape, it crash and back to th geoscape, like nothing happened...
I saw it first in the 2.3.1, but it's on the 2.4 to.
I can't really play with this bug, so someone know how to fix it...


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