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Topics - VulcanRidr

Pages: [1]
Linux / Compiling on Debian/unstable
« on: August 02, 2011, 01:42:30 am »
I downloaded the debs of 2.3.1, and after applying mattn's symlink fix, I was able to play...However, I had a terror mission (Xi'an -- Big city), and the scenario loaded, however when I entered it, my troops were in the drop ship, and I was unable to move or do anything. I aborted and reloaded a saved game, and went into the same scenario, and did it on auto. The game seemed to hang there and never completed.

So I decided to download the latest git repo, but I am running into issues. I got almost all of the prereqs, except for libjpeg62-dev. Current versions of Debian link a number of libraries (libdirectfb-dev libjpeg8-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev libsdl1.2-dev libsmpeg-dev libtiff4-dev) against libjpeg8-dev rather than libjpeg62-dev, and hence the packages above are all removed if you install libjpeg62-dev...

So what do I need to do to get it to compile?


Linux / Linux client partially runs on Debian
« on: June 12, 2011, 04:52:17 am »
I downloaded and installed the 2.3.1 packages on debian unstable, ufoai, ufoai-common, ufoai-data, ufoai-map-sources, ufoai-radiant, ufoai-server, ufoai-server-data and ufoai-tools.

The game starts up, and I am able to go into campaign mode, though the diagostics show some things missing, such as sound files:

Code: [Select]
M_Start: Could not load 'van_theme' background track
CL_LanguageInit: language settings are stored in configuration: en
...using language: en_US.utf8

The last time I tried, I found that I was never able to go to the site, so this time I tried skirmish mode. That was less than successful...

Code: [Select]
Shutdown gametype 'Campaign mode'
Change gametype to 'Skirmish mode'
------- Loading -------
not found at '/usr/lib/ufoai'
not found at '/home/storm/.ufoai/2.3.1/base'
not found at './base'
not found at '/usr/share/ufoai/base'
ERROR: failed to load game library
Shutdown server: Server crashed.
Shutdown gametype 'Skirmish mode'
music change to van_theme (from van_theme)
music change to van_theme (from van_theme) does exist in /usr/lib/games/ufoai/base. Since one of the search paths for was ./base, I started the game from /usr/lib/games/ufoai. Still had the same crash.

Could someone help me get this running reliably on my setup? Because eventually, you have to go in and manage your team...


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