Tactics / Storming harvester
« on: July 29, 2010, 11:42:11 am »
In terror missions, most of the time you gotta move your soldiers into harvester to kill all those aliens onboard.
Problem is, it often turns out that ...
1.Soldiers gathering near the aft doors, getting ready to storm inside. End turn.
2.Aliens turn. Aliens pop out from aft doors, taking a few free shots then retreat back in.
3.Human casulties.
It doesn't happen everytime, only half the times, but I'm playing with zero casualty rule (one die, retry), so either
-I would like some advices to make attacking into harvester a little less hazardous for my favorite soldiers or
-Should I use 1 or 2 newbies soldiers as "expendable" scout ?
It took me 6 in-game months to grow those stupid recruits with 20 across all stats into something worthy as defender of the earth with 40+ proficiency. So I can't really afford to lose them ... or should I ?
IR don't really help much, cuz in order to get close enough to scan, that also put the scanner in danger of getting killed in enemy turn when enemies just walk around the corner to give a few blast before go back inside.
Problem is, it often turns out that ...
1.Soldiers gathering near the aft doors, getting ready to storm inside. End turn.
2.Aliens turn. Aliens pop out from aft doors, taking a few free shots then retreat back in.
3.Human casulties.
It doesn't happen everytime, only half the times, but I'm playing with zero casualty rule (one die, retry), so either
-I would like some advices to make attacking into harvester a little less hazardous for my favorite soldiers or
-Should I use 1 or 2 newbies soldiers as "expendable" scout ?
It took me 6 in-game months to grow those stupid recruits with 20 across all stats into something worthy as defender of the earth with 40+ proficiency. So I can't really afford to lose them ... or should I ?
IR don't really help much, cuz in order to get close enough to scan, that also put the scanner in danger of getting killed in enemy turn when enemies just walk around the corner to give a few blast before go back inside.