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Topics - Sangel

Pages: [1]
Mac / 2.3 - Crash Upon Starting Campaign
« on: July 03, 2010, 09:36:18 pm »
System Specifications:
2007 Macbook Pro (2 GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM)
Mac OS 10.6.4

Glitchy graphics, followed by a crash, after the campaign introduction, but before the Geoscape appears.

Attempted Resolution #1:
Set the display resolution to the native 1440x900, and switched to full-screen. No luck - the crash reoccurs.

Attempted Resolution #2:
The same as attempt #1, but additionally disabling GLSL shaders. Mixed results; the game now sometimes crashes on launch, but at other times I can start a new campaign and get to the Geoscape.

Pages: [1]