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Topics - PhillieDFilms

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Mac / Newbie question.
« on: June 19, 2010, 07:08:27 am »
Firstly, I love what you guys have done.  Xcom was and still is an amazing game but you guys have taken it one step beyond that by creating this faithful rendition.  Bravo.

On to my question.  What is the diff between the dmg and the svn version?  I was under the impression that I would be able to download the dmg and unpack it, then play the game from there using the icon provided.  Is this not correct?  Do I have to install something? Compile something?  I was able to play through the last version of ufo:ai v2.2.1 by just using the icon provided in the dmg, and I loved it.  So after I found this awesome new version, 2.3, I would like to go though and play the game again with all the updates and improvements.  But when I start the game using the icon in the new dmg.  The game runs very erratically, no music or sound, seriously sluggish frame-rate, constant crashes during battle-scenes and after loading battle-scenes, as well as my characters in battles scenes loading sometimes with foliage stuck to their bodies, hahaha!!  Am I missing something?  I don't know too much about game dev but I do work in VFX for film & tv so I can appreciate all the hard work that you guys have put in to this.  So if there is a proper way to get the new version of ufo:ai working smoothly I'd like to hear it.  Cause I love this game.

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