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Topics - Nokaze

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Feature Requests / Free Aim and Goggles
« on: August 25, 2014, 08:12:13 pm »
Let me start off with this, I am new to these forums, and have only been playing UFO AI for about a week or so. I understand that the scripting required for some if not all of these changes would be too difficult or impossible to implement.


Grenade Free Aiming
Similiar to Xcom Enemy Unthin, (Uknown and within) being able to aim grenades at the ground off of the grid, as well as at walls. This goes with the next suggestion

Free aiming infantry weapons
Being able to aim an infantry weapon off of the grid would be a helpful feature, as it would allow for more accurate aiming at just the corner of something or allow for snipers to target specific parts of the body. This would allow for shooting around corners more effectively, as well as hitting the enemies that display a low hit chance but you cannot guess how high the hit chance actually is based on a piece of cover that could be in the way despite being nearly useless to covering the unit.
This would go with a damage system that is based on where the hit took place. Including such damages as a hit to the arm could increase the number of TUs it takes to fire or reload a weapon, move items around in the inventory, etc.. Or a hit in the leg could cause a higher TU cost of movement, crouching, etc.. Things like that.
This change is the most controversial in my mind, as it may or may not fit into the realism layout the game has going for it. You be the judge.

Head pieces
We seem to have a lack of things like IR goggles, this has been mentioned before but I'll give my ideas here.
Assisted Aiming goggles - Provides aiming information to the user, helping them make more accurate shots, as well as possibly helping increase their damage output if the threshold is high enough.
Enemy Information Goggles - Provides information about researched enemies, giving a damage boost or an aim boost (just rough ideas here) or giving the player information like the HP of the unit, its max TU's, perhaps even if it has reaction fire on. (This isnt necessarily accurate, it could be giving wildly incorrect information especially for unresearched aliens)
Pre-Research goggles - Provides a boost to research (Minor) the more the goggles see a certain enemy or item.
Line of sight highlight (goggles) - Gives a line of sight estimate on enemies.

That is the majority of my requests, and I completely understand if none of these are even possible to attempt with the quake 2 engine.
Thanks for reading my brainspill.

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