User modifications / Re: New Reaction Fire system and other game tweaks (.diff file)
« on: April 25, 2010, 09:06:38 pm »
Hello MCR, and ... sorry : I did stop the development of this patch.
I have to admit strict coding guidelines did chill me somewhat. I did want to help the project, but my motive was also to have fun in doing so. Correcting bugs, warnings and such make sense obviously, a code has to be clean. However, I just felt that some constraints cost too much extra work and re-checks when they did not actually made the code better (that camelcase thing for instance).
The UFO:AI project is not a company with paid employees, so in my opinion the working environment should be made more flexible and firendly in order to attract and keep participants (well, at least for the coding part). Its a non-professional free game project, and you can still go do work without being professionaly strict, and it might also make the project grow faster.
Once again, theres no bad in constraints - as long as their effect justify their cost.
So basically, yes, I was somehwat put off by the 'little' constaints - not big the structural ones, but thats not all : Im currently opening an online shop and thats a lot of work, so I dont have as much time as before, and I rather spend my free time on things that feels more fun than checking where the capitals letters are in a variable name.
That said, iirc, the patch files are quite complete - altough old - and excepts for some minors errors and guidelines deviances, it worked back then. And since its open source code, anyone can continue it
Sorry to disappoint you.
I have to admit strict coding guidelines did chill me somewhat. I did want to help the project, but my motive was also to have fun in doing so. Correcting bugs, warnings and such make sense obviously, a code has to be clean. However, I just felt that some constraints cost too much extra work and re-checks when they did not actually made the code better (that camelcase thing for instance).
The UFO:AI project is not a company with paid employees, so in my opinion the working environment should be made more flexible and firendly in order to attract and keep participants (well, at least for the coding part). Its a non-professional free game project, and you can still go do work without being professionaly strict, and it might also make the project grow faster.
Once again, theres no bad in constraints - as long as their effect justify their cost.
So basically, yes, I was somehwat put off by the 'little' constaints - not big the structural ones, but thats not all : Im currently opening an online shop and thats a lot of work, so I dont have as much time as before, and I rather spend my free time on things that feels more fun than checking where the capitals letters are in a variable name.
That said, iirc, the patch files are quite complete - altough old - and excepts for some minors errors and guidelines deviances, it worked back then. And since its open source code, anyone can continue it

Sorry to disappoint you.