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Messages - EagleV

Pages: [1]
Mapping / Re: Map doesn't exist in Windows
« on: December 27, 2009, 06:52:38 pm »
I'll keep that in mind when installing 2.3 final or 2.4 dev ;)

Mapping / Re: Map doesn't exist in Windows
« on: December 27, 2009, 04:32:30 pm »
:'( It's gone... Not even Radiant can find it anymore.

Wait. It's not. Hold on, I've got a (dun dun dun dun) THEORY.
Opening radiant with admin rights doesn't find the map, opening without rights does find the map. Let's try to save it with admin rights. This will probably take some time, as it's ctrl-c ctrl-v.


Take note:
-Vista Radiant will only work correctly if opened with ADMIN RIGHTS, otherwise the map will not be properly saved nor compileable.
-Ufo2map needs admin rights as well, otherwise the bsp will not be saved.

So, now to add lighting and playtest. Thanks for the support :) .

Mapping / Re: Map doesn't exist in Windows
« on: December 27, 2009, 10:59:21 am »
ufo2maps has to be in ufoai root dir.

Also you can use ./contrib/scripts/compile_maps.bat.
I hate to say this, but I don't have a compile_maps.bat, can I download it somewhere?

you can also attach your map here and get a pk3 file back
Thanks, but as windows doesn't find the file, I can't.

Some screenshots:
Opening with radiant, the file is there.

Opening with explorer, the file IS NOT THERE! Not hidden, nothing. I find it, at the very least, strange.

Mapping / Re: Map doesn't exist in Windows
« on: December 26, 2009, 11:32:37 pm »
ufo2map of 2.3 works on the game directories only. Put your map file into data/maps

That was the first directory I tried it in. Doesn't work :(

I also had to move ufo2map around, but I believe that was a quirk of the initial installation file I had that has since been fixed.

I want to try this, did you move your ufo2map to base/maps/ or base/ or somewhere else?

Mapping / Map doesn't exist in Windows [SOLVED]
« on: December 26, 2009, 09:48:11 pm »
So, I made this map I'm quite proud of (even though it isn't worth a lot :) ) but I can't compile it. I tried with 2.2.1 and 2.3 ufo2maps, and both didn't find the map. Quite frustrated, I opened explorer to check the path. My map wasn't there. No file, not in a subfolder, no hidden file, nothing. I checked both maps folders just to be sure. I saved under 'Users/name/documents' because I thought it might be UAC, still nothing. The weird thing is, radiant finds the files when I want to open them - windows itself doesn't, and thus can't 'give' the file to ufo2map. Does anyone have an idea what's going on?

On an unrelated note, what can I place on a roof to have some light? Or should I just go with invisible light sources?

Oh, and just because I like to show it:

Windows / Re: Couldn't find ufos/entities.ufo
« on: December 24, 2009, 09:44:56 am »
uforadiant 1.5 require ufo:ai version 2.3.
Downloading, but it goes sooo slow...

In the meantime, I'm off to play some 2.2 :)

Windows / Re: Couldn't find ufos/entities.ufo
« on: December 24, 2009, 08:18:54 am »
What do you mean? Should I install radiant, or UFOAI somewhere else?

The paths are
C:/Program Files/UFOAI-2.2.1/
C:/Program Files/UFOAI-2.2.1/ufo2map.exe

which are both correct.

(Radiant is installed in Program Files/UFORadiant-1.5/)

Windows / Re: Couldn't find ufos/entities.ufo
« on: December 23, 2009, 08:29:35 pm »
This map editor-only installer is fairly recent (for 2.3), it might work better but I didn't test it on Vista:

This gives almost the exact same error.

Windows / Re: Couldn't find ufos/entities.ufo
« on: December 23, 2009, 06:22:58 pm »
There's a link in the tutorial, and the guy that made that used 2.1. I'll try with 2.3 though.

Windows / Couldn't find ufos/entities.ufo
« on: December 23, 2009, 04:22:25 pm »
When running Uforadiant in Vista, I get this message. Clicking 'OK' takes me to radiant, where I can do everything I want, untill I get to enable lighting. However I still get some error messages at startup (below). Following the 'for dummies', I tried to do the lighting as follows:

First, type 'l' for a list of entities-doesn't work. Neither does L, ctrl-l or alt-l or -L, and a quick check at the hotkeys shows that there is no such thing as an 'entity list'. So, I try using the tree-type browser on the right instead, and go to world-something. Then, to get the values I needed, I should press n - again no working combination, and no related option in the key listing. There is a form that says 'values' on the lower-right, though I can't do anything with it. Double-clicking the world-something crashes to desktop because 'stackspace is not implemented' whereafter I need 20 or so enters to get the error pop-ups away.

Paths are set, reset, checked, doublechecked, and redoublechecked, so I'm fairly confident those are OK - unless radiant doesn't recognize dashes in a pathname.


(Is there a spoiler tag?)

The errors:
(At startup, dialog box)
Code: [Select]
Could not load ufos/entities.ufo
(At startup, in console-thing lower side of the screen)
Code: [Select]
**-Message: OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = 32bpp
**-Message: OpenGL window configuration: colour-buffer = 32bpp, depth-buffer = none
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'CameraFreeMoveBack'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'CameraFreeMoveDown'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'CameraFreeMoveForward'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'CameraFreeMoveLeft'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'CameraFreeMoveRight'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'CameraFreeMoveUp'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'NextView'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'ToggleCamera'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'ToggleParticleBrowser'
**-WARNING **: Shortcut not registered: 'ToggleTextureBrowser'
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/actorclip"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/nodraw"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/caulk"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/hint"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/ladder"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/origin"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/slick"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/trigger"
**-WARNING **: Texture load failed: "textures/tex_common/weaponclip"
**-Message: Showing 9 shaders.
**-Message: loading custom shortcuts list from C:/Users/SION/AppData/Roaming/UFOAI/radiant/shortcuts.ini
**-Message: commands import: data version 1:0 is compatible with code version 1:0
**-Message: parsed 129 custom shortcuts

(At doubleclick, dialog box)
Code: [Select]
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate in an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team for more information.
(Windows-dialog 'application has stopped working')

(Whole bunch of the following)
Code: [Select]
Stacktrace is not implemented on this platform.
Please contact the developers

This is with uforadiant 1.5, I didn't even open the game itself but it's 2.2.1

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