Alright, here's a simple question:
With SVN, it was relatively easy to download just the 2.3 branch, or just the 2.2.1 branch.
It was relatively easy to switch between the 2.3 and 2.2.1 branch for a long time; eventually, due to problems with the (then-out-of-date svn tool on Mac os 10.5.

svn program, it was easier to just have two separate directory trees.
But I never had to worry about downloading the stuff I didn't want.
I could make local modifications, and generally they would work fine as new updates were fetched; when conflicts were found, it was fairly loud.
How would I go about only fetching just the 2.3 stuff with git, assuming
1: I have git, and
2: I've never touched it yet
How would I go about switching between the 2.3 branch and the trunk? What if I wanted to deal with the 2.4 branch when it is eventually tagged as such?
How are my local modifications handled? How are conflicts handled? How does rewinding to an earlier version, and back again, work? (This is where the version on Mac 10.5.8 stank. )
What if I wanted to take pieces from 2.3 and pieces from 2.4?
Or, equally, pieces from 2.2.1 and pieces from 2.3?
(Actually, that last one is probably not a Git question, 2.2.1 probably doesn't exist in git.)