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Messages - Ishmaeil

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: OK, dumb question
« on: April 29, 2010, 01:00:28 am »
See, told you it was dumb...

Discussion / OK, dumb question
« on: April 28, 2010, 06:56:46 pm »
So am I missing something?  I can't seem to get anitmatter working.  I have active antimatter containments, have researched scout, fighter and harvester.  3 filled UFO yards (only pristine UFO's) but I can't seem to get a hold of a single drop of antimatter, am I missing something?  Also all the UFO's I've been knocking out of the sky doesn't seem to be dropping anything that I can actually use, no weapons, no drives, nothing, nada, zip.


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