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Messages - grothesk

Pages: [1]
Discussion / high difficulty
« on: August 06, 2006, 07:52:52 pm »
first, thanks for creating this game!
i played xcom 1-3 from the 1st day after their release...

i started the easy campaign but cannot finish the 1st map because only 3 of my 8 mercs arrive with weapons, the other 5 arel hiding in the shuttle o_O

these 3 armed soldiers always will be dead after the 3rd round at the latest!
i equiped them with relation of their strong skills but it seems neverless they have problems to hit their targets :-/
on the other side the aliens kill my mercs with 1 or 2 hits with ray- or 'paintball-' guns.

i thought i have some experience with this kind of game but it seems i'm just a n00b :-/

i guess it would be helpfull if there's someone who can give me some suggestions or hints.
thx in advance :)

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